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Sage link S2 values

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    Sage link S2 values

    Our attributes (size & Colours etc) show up on sage after using link as a s2 value

    Unfortunatly each value has no generated nominal code attached to it so after i set it up for say size 32" on one garment, the next invoice may have size 32" on another type of garment and again the nominal code is missing

    Any suggestions welcome

    Using latest sage link updated from actinic site last week and V7 0.2.0 elca
    Chris Ashdown

    Further to my query

    I have been using componants for both colour and size on my site

    The size has price increases for very large size garments and this seems to work ok

    The colour option is not normally used but has to be a componant as it is with the size componant and you cannot just use attributes on their own if a componant is in use with the product

    I have been leaving this componant with no permutations and now think this may be my problem.

    Do I need to enter permutations with something like "Use any Choice" and Componant pricing instead of just leaving the whole box greyed out?

    With any choice I presume I would not have to enter "Product" as it would not be used
    Chris Ashdown


      Hi Chris,

      To be able to transfer the choices over to Sage with their own reference and nominal code then you will have to create a hidden product for each permutation of choice and then in the component | permutation tab, click the 'Fill List' button and associate each permutation with the relevant hidden product. Otherwise the choice is just taking the parent product options with it.


        Dear Tracey

        The point is that if I was just using attributes they would go across ok, The actual componant-attribute that has a extra value based upon the attribute works ok

        The remaining attribute which in this instance only passes over a colour of garment has no extra price value, but when transfered across throws up a no nominal code error

        With lots of products the last thing i want to do is fill in the product permutation list as A) it has a bug B) its a hell of a long job

        As i only have a online computer system i do not want to experiment to much but thought that if i used the any choice feature this would fill in the product code
        Chris Ashdown

