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Best Seller List

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    Best Seller List

    Good morning, we are preparing to upgrade to version 7, quite interested in have a best seller list or a 'Top 5' products list as mentioned on the Actinic site examples (for example ~ Classic Leisure

    Is this feature associated with Best Theme.

    We are currently running a Groovy (framed) theme and ideally would not want to change from this. I have searched the forum for similar questions and scanned the various Actinic guides, still feel that I am in the dark about this.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks Mash

    The top sellers feature is not built into actinic.

    you can either build it yourself by analysing the database or buy it from:


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thanks Mike,

      I have had a look for that plugin, have not managed to find it.

      We only have 150 products so it would not be too difficult to extract the 'Top 5' product lines and go down the build it ourselves.

      Printed out all the manuals (some Christmas reading there!!), tied brain at the mo. If I go down self build route, does anybody have any pointers where I should start.

      Any help would be appreciated. Have a wonderful Christmas.



        probably the easiest way would be to use actinic's built in sales report. You can print out the sales of product by order quantity and it will list the quantity of products sold during the period specified. You'd then have to manualy create the list in HTML and include in your template somewhere.

        A more automated way would be to query the catalog database, process the results to show the top sellers, and then output them as an html file This can be done in Excel or Access, depending on what you're good at.

        The plug in comes as part of the cross-sell package. Full details here:


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          Good morning, I think I will try the query the catalog database route, the only major concern at the mo would be the need to link it to the product in the actual catalog so the customer can click on the list and go straight there.

          The site has to be rebuilt so this would be some of the ice, I will let you know how I get on!

          Thanks for your help and happy Christmas.


