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CSV Export Problem

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    CSV Export Problem


    Not been to the forum for a while but still Useless i'm afraid!

    Trying to carry out a tab seperated csv export for the catalog(ue) and everything seems to be running fine until the progress bar gets about three quarters of the way across. At this point it stops and there is no sign of the computer going any further - even when left for 10 minutes.

    Have tried this on several computers and i apologise if i have missed an explanation for this somewhere else in the forum.

    I do know that we had a problem exporting a snapshot recently too - until we compressed the database.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks - by the way, why do problems always turn up just before the weekend or the holidays? - oh well at least the site is still running!!


    CSV Export solved


    Thanks everyone who had a look at my post, Darren at Actinic cover helped solve the problem which i shall explain for anyone else who ever gets stuck:

    I had to purge my catalog and then compact the database before i could get the export to work. I had previously tried compacting the database which had not cleared fully deleted items on it's own.

    A simple solution thank goodness!

    Merry Christmas


