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Missing search key - Updating Problem

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    Missing search key - Updating Problem

    After updating some data in my actinic catalogue, I went to update the website and I received an error message regarding missing serach key. I found out I had to compact the database, which I did,but then when I went to update the website it seems to update every single actinic file from all the way through, and it seemes to be taking a long time as our catalogue is quite large. And if it does everything, that means it will do the pictures too. I have stopped it while it's updating, and if I go to update again it starts from the very beginning again. Our router is timed and kicks off in the evening so I cant leave it running as it will lose the connection, and the update is going to take ages to complete. Aslo how do I know it wont start from scratch again after it runs all the way through the update? I'm not sure whats happened.

    Any help please becuase I'm stuck on this.

    Basically what's gone on is that one day I went into actinic and deleted some sections and that caused error messages and actinic to crash, then when updating I kept getting this error message: "The search key was not found in any record"

    I read on this forum that you need to compact the database which I did, then went to update and it seemed to start updating, but I noticed it updated ALL of the base files and then started from scratch on the main files. If actinc crashed or got stopped during an update then it would usually carry on from where it got to, but now it updates ALL the base files again and then starts from scratch again on all the actinic files. I cant see how Im going to be able to fix this or update it again. All thats been done is a few new products, it shouldnt need to update EVERYTHING as its all already on the server.


      Hi there,

      It seems like the time stamp on your files are out of date so Actinic will want to upload everything again.

      You will need to do a complete refresh of the site. After that proceed to update the site and see if it uploads the files again. If it does the problem could possible be to do with server time/date being incorrect. If that is ok and Actinic persists to upload everything again after a refresh you will need to register a support query here so we can investigate the problem.

      Toby Blanchard



        Right, well if i do a refresh it is going to take an age to do. If I manually upload through an FTP (on a faster connection) will that do the job or does it have to be a refresh through the program? Also in my post I mentioned our router is on a timer and comes on in the morning and turns off later on in the evening. If I leave it refreshing and the router turns off, will I be able to continue it when the router turns back on? Otherwise Im never going to be able to refrsh the site as it will take longer than the working day.


          Also if the date stamp is wrong what exactly des a refesh do beacuse at the moment, the files generated by actinic are being updated every time I go to update, so would a refresh help? A refresh updates all files yes? and at the moment my update is updating all files. Or does a refresh re-generate certain files or something, helping to solve the problem that would have been caused my exisiting (old) catalogue files?


            If I manually upload through an FTP (on a faster connection) will that do the job or does it have to be a refresh through the program?
            It is possible to upload the site manually but the method is not really supported anymore:

            - Go to Advanced | Generate scripts - Click the "instructions" button so you know what files to upload to the cgi-bin folder. The files will be located within the Site1 folder.
            - Go to Advanced | Generate Web Site - You will need to upload all your images, *.fil, *.cat files to the acatalog folder. These files are also located within the Site1 folder.
            - Browse to the Site HTML folder and upload all the generated files.

            That's it. Also another solution would be to load Actinic in another location with a decent connection so you can upload after work.

            Because you have not completed a full refresh, Actinic will want to upload all the files (as it would in a refresh) when you update.

            Toby Blanchard


              Thanks for that. So if I did do a amnual update through my FTP program using the process you just explained, if I then go to update, will it still update everything as a refresh?


                I tested this on a default site to my test server. I uploaded using the manual method. I then added a product and clicked the updated button in Actinic. Only a couple of files were uploaded so it looks Actinic can detect what files are just needed to be uploaded to update the site.

                Toby Blanchard

