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Will WorldPay modification impact on ordering?

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    Will WorldPay modification impact on ordering?

    I received the following warning from WorldPay:

    "...Every successful transaction you process through WorldPay generates a unique identification number, known as a 'transId'. Currently, a transId is 8-digits long, however these are about to roll-over and so will increase to 9-digits. This increase will have no impact on WorldPay's service to you, as our systems are designed to handle up to 16 digits (as documented in our integration guides).
    This increase will probably have no impact on your website's services. However, for peace of mind, I would suggest that if you use a Shopping cart or WorldPay's callback feature, then you should confirm whether this increase will affect your service....
    What should you do?
    Check if your systems depend on 8-digit settings for the transId parameter, and if they do, then change them so that they can handle longer transId values.
    For shopping carts:
    check how your shopping cart handles transId values, and contact your technical expert and the provider of your shopping cart if you have any concerns.
    For callback:
    Check your callback settings for any dependency on 8-digit length for transId values. You may need to consult your technical expert, or those who implemented your callback features."

    Can anyone tell me whether anything needs to be changed in Actinic please?


    The answer is 'No' - see



      Many thanks cdicken

