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Fragment Separator and positioning

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    Fragment Separator and positioning

    What is the template that creates the separators between fragments and if it is the product separator how do i use a custom property to use it between some products but not others.

    Also, is it possible to place fragments between sections. I would like to break up some of my pages that list subsections but including fragamnts between them but the fragments always go to the bottom

    I have established the the product separator does not dictate the fragment separator but cannot find anything like Act_fragmentseparator


      What is the template that creates the separators between fragments
      There isn't a fragment separator. Each fragment template starts a new table row containing that fragment.

      You could create one by making a new Fragment Template e.g. Act_FragmentSeparator.html
      <!-- HR Fragment Separator begin -->
      <td colspan="3" valign="top">
      <!-- HR Fragment Separator end -->
      If you edit BrochureTemplates.ini and add the line (below [Templates])

      Act_FragmentSeparator.html=Brochure HR Separator

      then this will show up in the drop-down list of fragment templates.

      If you'd like to use Customvars then just replace the <hr> above with CUSTOMVAR:WHATEVER.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



        at the moment, a hr width=90% is being created between fragments and i want there to be nothing (or at least use a black customvar). I have been able to do this with the productseparator fine and i understand most of what you are saying but would like to clarify soemthing.

        actinic automatically knows of the productseparator template, how do i make it acknowledge a brochureseparator template or are you saying that i need to create a new fragment within actinic product section to be used solely as a separator. If this is the case how do i remove the hr width=90% that it is creating automatically.


          hello namunday

          If you comment out the fragment anchor in the fragment template/s you are using the horizontal line will not appear

          Regards, Sharon
 - designer sunglasses at discount prices
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            Hi chaps

            I think that rather than comment out NETQUOTEVAR:FRAGMENTANCHOR (which could impact the display of seaarch results), or create a new fiddly template, what both myself and the originator of this thread would like to do is would be edit NETQUOTEVAR:FRAGMENTANCHOR.

            Replacing the HR with an image would be great.

            any ideas?



              I have asked Development if there is a way to be able to do this. Will keep you posted on what they have to say.

              Kind regards,
              Bruce King



                The <HR> is defined in Design | Text Phase -1, ID 2282.

                To make it conditional will require JavaScript.
                - Set Design | Text Phase -1, ID 2282 to an empty string.
                - Create a CUSTOMVAR called, for example, Separator.

                Insert the following into the Fragment templates before NETQUOTEVAR:FRAGMENTANCHOR...


                The CUSTOMVAR Separator can now be defined at the catalog level to set the default for the site. The default can be overridden at the section level.

                Hope this helps,

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King


                  No success


                  Am I correct in thinking that the JavaScript is only required in order to override the blanked out Text Phase? I, too, would like to remove the <HR> tag from a fragment, only I've removed the <HR> from Text Phase -1, ID 2282, but this has had no affect. Do I need to complete the other step, as I do not need to use the <HR> tag?


                  Ladies Swimwear


                    You need not do any thing else other than blank out the Phase ID.
                    Bruce King


                      Just coming back to this one, I can't remove the <hr> from below the fragment. Ive blanked out the <HR> in the phase id and its not removed the line. Looking at the code if I preview the page I have

                      <HR SIZE="1" ALIGN="CENTER WIDTH="500">

                      I've done a search in design text and can't find this anywhere, can someone help.

                      Web design Bradford


                        I'm also having the same problem - only a small problem, but SO annoying!! Would really appreciate a solution to this too, as its driving me mad!!

                        Ladies Swimwear


                          can someone from support help us three ?
                          Web design Bradford


                            Hi there

                            For clarification, are you referring to the product separator that appears between the last fragment and the first product on the products page ? If yes, then this separator is being brought in by NETQUOTEVAR:INCLUDE Act_ProductSeparator.html in the Product Line template. The <HR> in Design | Text removes the separator dividing the fragments from each other while the one dividing the fragment from the subsequent product on the page is being introduced by the above netquotevar.

                            Removing this completely will remove all the dividing lines between the products. To avoid this, you can simply move this line to appear just after NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTFORMEND at the end of the product line template. I have attached a screen grab to illustrate this.

                            If this doesn't help, could you please post a URL or screen grab so we can understand the issue better ?
                            Attached Files
                            Krithika Chandrasekar


                            E-commerce software by SellerDeck


                              Originally posted by namunday
                              Also, is it possible to place fragments between sections. I would like to break up some of my pages that list subsections but including fragamnts between them but the fragments always go to the bottom
                              I have noticed in the replies above that everyone is focusing on the first query raised however I was wondering if anyone knows of a way of performing the above task.

                              I basically have a similar problem where i have a bunch of products in subsections and i want to break them up on a page by placing a header above each different group. I thought this would be possible through the use of fragments but i can't get them to go anywhere apart from at the top or bottom of a page. I need them in various locations throughout the page, thus splitting up the different products into sections with a header.

                              Any help would be amazing...


