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Login page links

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    Login page links


    I have the following URL on my home page at which is outside Actinic and takes customers to the Login page (which I have adapted to be a 'log in for special offers' page). The URL is -

    This brings up my Login page. The Login from here works fine, but the eStore Sections links at the top of this page lead to 404 errors (unless you log in, then they work fine).

    For instance, a click on say the Budget Software section tries to bring up a URL of:-

    This results in a 404 error, because the correct URL should be :-

    Also, clicks on either the Shopping Cart or Checkout icons at the top of the page show a URL in the status bar of when you mouse over them, and a click results in just a re-display of the Login page, but the URL in the address bar has changed from


    BUT you can still login from here OK.

    Somehow, I get the feeling that when this login page displays, it should somehow be switched over the /acatalog directory, then the links and icons will work, but I don't know how to achieve this. Can anybody help please? Is the problem in the URL I am currently using to call my Login page?

    Many thanks

    Hi there

    I'm afraid to say i cannot get your login page to appear on:

    Also i can't see where you have put your login button on the special offers.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Sorry about that

      Dear Nadeem,

      Thank you very much for taking the trouble to reply to my post.

      I am afraid I had to remove my customer login page and links to it (by deleting my one Test Customer Account) after posting my message because I discovered having the login page adversely affected other links elsewhere in the site - for instance, on a typical product info page such as this:-

      what was happening when the login page was present was that if you clicked on the 'Click here to buy me' link or the 'Back' button, these links took you to that Login page, not to the 'Buy Me' button actually in the Actinic Catalog as happens now and as I intend (all I did to get these links working properly again was to delete my one Customer Account).

      Can I address this particular problem by simply adding &NOLOGIN=1 to the end of each of these URLs?

      If this is so, I will add this to the end of all these particular set of URLs, then set my Login page back up so you can take a look, if you would be so kind.


        Hi there

        Can I address this particular problem by simply adding &NOLOGIN=1 to the end of each of these URLs?
        Please if you could, then could you set the login page, so i will take a look for you.

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development

