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B2C - VAT inc. prices in check-out

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    B2C - VAT inc. prices in check-out

    Hi All

    Hope everybody had a good break (much needed!).

    Are there any plans yet on being able to chose to have prices shown throughout the whole ordering/checkout process as VAT inclusive? (Add to wishlist please!).

    I would think the majority of Actinic webstores are B2C and not B2B - customers expect to see VAT inclusive prices on the product pages, but then get confused when this is shown as net on checkout pages - the average joe does not understand net prices!

    We're also moving to a flat rate postage charge of £2.95 inc. VAT - in the shipping table we can enter this as £2.95 so it shows to the customers as £2.95 (but then have to make this exempt or VAT will be added on top - thus we're not complying with VAT rules) - or we have to show it as £2.51 to comply with VAT rules but customers get confused because they're expecting to see £2.95!

    Another VAT bug - are Actinic planning on being able to enter product prices with 3 decimal places any time soon? Custom VAT is OK but not ideal - accounts packages allow 3 decimal places - it would be great to have £2.544 in the accounts and £2.544 in Actinic so they both agree!

    TIA - Helen

    Whoahh! This is big.

    Hi All

    re earlier posting - have done some further digging in the archives and I am gobsmacked at how many people have complained and how long this has dragged on for with no definitive answers.

    Assuming Actinic invoices are legal(?), now we're switching to a flat rate postage we would like to use the Actinic invoice to include in the customer's parcel so what they see on-line is what they pay (previously any price discrepancies could be adjusted in the postage rate on our QB sale receipts as p&p was charged by order weight).

    On the invoice column marked "Tax code(s)" I've changed the text to read "Office Use" as the vast majority of retail customers won't have a clue and will ignore the VAT breakdown on the bottom of the invoice.

    Obviously we still need to get the orders into QB for stock control and provided the end figure is the same I presume we're not upsetting the tax man by arriving at the same figure differently?

    Example: Actinic gives a total invoice figure of £19.67 which we charge the customer - we enter the sale into QB exactly the same but get a figure of £19.65 - so we increase the price of the postage on QB by 2p to get the same total (as this will now not be printed). We then use the QB figures as normal for VAT/tax purposes.

    Does that make any sense whatsoever?!

    Hope so - have also added my pennethworth to the wishlist on this.

    TIA - Helen


      Hi Helen

      Please have a read through the following thread where this was being discussed.

      Kind Regards
      Nadeem Rasool
      SellerDeck Development

