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actinic optimised for Google?

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    actinic optimised for Google?

    i have been searching my keywords and phrases today and find that on Yahoo, Msn, Tiscali, Ask Jeeves etc etc i am 1st page and number 1 on natural listings, however i just cannot get it right for google? (i use pay per click at present on this site for page 1 postion) is there any tweeks i can do inside actinic to optimise the Google bots?


    Google loves to see links from other sites coming to your site. The more links google sees the better google thinks your site is and rewards you with PR.

    However, that is just a tiny part of people linking to you.

    Make sure people link to you from sites that are in a similar or complimentary field to your own. This is called on topic. That means that the site linking to you is likely talking about the same sort of stuff as you are. Make sure the site is quality too as you would not want to get punished for linking to a spammer or something bad.

    That is not all either. Make sure that those on topic sites that are linking to you use your keywords in the "Anchor Text". Anchor Text is the clickable part that links back to your website.

    If you get as many people to link back to you using the above guidlines then I guarantee that you will climb up the natural search listings pretty fast. How fast and how high depends on how competetive your key words are....the more competetive they are the more links with anchor text you will need.

    As far as optimizing Actinic goes you have the best product available already. Use plenty of keywords in your descriptions. Use keywords for your HTML files.

    The key right now to google though is in the back links as described above.



      Hi Simon
      Problem getting back links to other sites similar to myself is that they would be the competition and it would be difficult to get linked, however i take on board the backlink road and will get more sites linked to me with a page rank of 4 or more as myself.
      When you add a new product does it make a real difference if i fill in the metta tags and keywords or does Google not look in there?




        Originally posted by otiz
        Hi Simon
        Problem getting back links to other sites similar to myself is that they would be the competition and it would be difficult to get linked, however i take on board the backlink road and will get more sites linked to me with a page rank of 4 or more as myself.
        When you add a new product does it make a real difference if i fill in the metta tags and keywords or does Google not look in there?


        Google looks at the description tag and not keywords tag. There are few search engines that use keywords tag so fill those in too but don't break your back over it. The description tag is very important though. Remember that people see this in the search listing too so make it readable and enticing

        With regards to PR and backlinks. Forget it. Don't get hung up on PR it means little in todays google. The important thing is that the sites that are linking to you are actually in google themselves and that the links page is spidered by google. Google spiders higher PR sites deeper and more often but as long as the link gets in the directory it is good.

        Also...remeber that if your link partner or the person linking to you has an active link campaign...they are not likely to be low PR long. Go for the quality of the link rather than the PR and you will also see visitors coming to you direct from these links too.

        I don't know what your market is but there are very few products in the world that have no associated products or areas.

        For instance. If you make venetion blinds then you should link to Windo makers, window frame makers, interior designers, window cleaners, window cleaning products. etc etc.

        Anyway..good luck.



          Thanks Simon
          Since last reading your post i have found out that my competitor had about 7, 248 back links to my 48!

          I have just downloaded a programme my friend has told me about which finds high pr websites to link to, emails them asking for a link exchange.

          I have emailed 300 already! so will try that and see how i get on.

          thanks for your help.


            i cannot vouch for this programme, however it working for me.
            If you need more back links this software seems to do the job WELL!


            for those of you emailing for the website



              Links Programme

              Originally posted by otiz
              i cannot vouch for this programme, however it working for me.
              If you need more back links this software seems to do the job WELL!


              for those of you emailing for the website


              I have been optimising these sites for three months now, and would welcome any information on gaining links, I have personally written dozens of emails to get links.

              Can you give the name of the programme you are using?
              Sally Dickson
              Creative Catalogues Online - Brands & E-shops

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                Follow the link and look for Arelis.

                Be careful how you use these programs though. Google can consider sites using tools such as these as 'spammers' and penalise them accordingly. I think the main thing with Google is not using tools that query their SE automatically. If you look you'll see that axandra have been given a white PR=0 as a penalty.


                First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


