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Path from FTP server to Catalog.

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    Path from FTP server to Catalog.


    after messing about with trying to get the site totally SSL secure *which we didn't manage*, we seem to have made a boo boo.

    this morning i tried to upload the changes to the site, and it took ages, claimed to have finished and alas when i check the site, nothing has uploaded.

    i have gone through the web setup wizard, and it has got to the box where you choose your cgi-bin and web root directory. and we can't get past there.

    error is "An error occurred while sending an HTTP request to the web server. perhaps your network is down or the web server is down. try contacting your web administrator or ISP to correct the situation"

    now, i know my server isnt down as i can log onto it, and check my mail and stuff. and i know its up becuase earlier it has let me upload my catalog, even though it didn't apear in my shop.

    i have also tried running the test in Advanced/network settings

    and i get the following problems.

    "The directory specified as the path from the CGI-BIN to the acatalog directory does not exist on the web server. Check the path. Also see the on-line help for "Path from FTP server to Catalog"."

    "The script does not have permission to write to the web site directory."

    "Your Catalog URL appears to be invalid. The files uploaded to the given 'Path from cgi-bin to acatalog directory', can not be downloaded via the browser on the given Catalog URL. These two access routes don't point to the same destination on the server."

    i'm completly flumexd and confused. im not a web person at all, but im starting to learn, but this is giving me the biggest headache.

    please help.

    ment to add, thanks in advance


      well thanks for all your help guys.

      got it sorted after 8 hours of playing around with it.


        You're welcome. Now you've learned something rather than being spoon fed a solution you'll be able to help others with similar problems.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Originally posted by NormanRouxel
          You're welcome. Now you've learned something rather than being spoon fed a solution you'll be able to help others with similar problems.
          hehe yesterday i would have bitten your head off. but today i laugh.

          it was mainly a case of too many cooks spoil the broth.

          it was only after we realised that we were uploading the site to the wrong site that we ( i ) worked the problem out.

          remember this is an actinic "support" forum. there is a difference to being "spoon fed" the solution or spending nearly 2 weeks on it, and eventually spending a whole day trying to fix it.

          anyhows, yes, i learnt lots yesterday.

          and any day where you learn lots is a day well spent.



            It's good you can look back positively on a tedious bit of slogging to find the solution. I had sensed from your long original post that it was a problem only you could solve hands on.

            Don't worry - this is a support community - and we do try to help. However most of us are volunteers (the community bit) so there is never any guaranteed response, especially during holiday periods.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



              well im looking forward to a profitable year!

              happy new year to you!


