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File import for price updates

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    File import for price updates


    I have set up an extensive database with some 800 products. Because of the nature of the search I needed to run, each product is in its own section - section names are simply numbered sequentially. Each product's internal product ref. number ties up with a unique product ref. on the internal accounting system which is feeding the beast.

    Ideally what I want to do is set up a very simple flat comma-delimited file with two columns, product reference and price, and import the lot on a regular basis to deal with price udates. I've tried doing this, but when I try to import as a flat file Actinic says I also need to include the section name, which is a pig because the existing accounting system doesn't know it.

    I've tried exporting the data, stripping it down, and re-importing as a hierarchical file, but I must be missing something as I keep getting the message 'There was an error in the first line of the file'.

    Can someone help me by telling me:
    a. Do I need to include the section names if the product refs are unique?
    b. Should I be using flat file or hierarchical file format for the input?
    c. Is there a simple step-by-step guide that will help me to do this!

    I've tried the step-by-step in the knowledge base Ref: KB259, retaining only the product ref. and price columns as suggested, but keep getting the 'error' message on input.

    Any help most gratefully received!

    Unless you put all your products in one place at the very top of the Catalog, then Actinic must use sections.

    From what you're saying you have one product per section.

    So either use the Product Name (if it is unique), the Product Reference, or your sequentally generated number (1,2,3...) as the Section Name in a flat file import. Just set up a duplicate column in your spreadshhet caqlled Section for this.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Norman, do you mean replace the existing structure I have with numerical section names with a completely new one using the (unique) product ref as the section name also? (i.e. product 'thisproduct' is always in a section 'thisproduct')

      To set this up initially, wouldn't I need to give Actinic more information about the sections, e.g. HTML filenames and layout templates? Or will Actinic just create new sections with default settings?

      And what would be an easy way to get rid of all the old sections with differentiated section names?


        Do you have a site online so we can see what you're describing?

        As to section names, why not set your import up to use the existing ones you have?
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Norman, sorry I think I'm being a bit dense, or not describing accurately what I'm trying to do. I'd be happy to use the exsiting section names, but can't find a way to do so.

          The situtaion is this: I have 800 separate products, which I have input into Actinic. Because of the search requirements, each one is in a separate section. Becuase I didn't know any better(!), when I created the sections, I just allocated them sequential numbers as names.

          So what I now have is this: A section named, say, '453' containing a single product with unique reference code '2454018MXX3', with an associated price.

          What I want to be able to do is to have a simple spreadsheet with a column of reference codes and a column of prices, and to be able to import it to update the prices.

          If I'm understanding correctly, you're saying that I need at least 3 columns; section name, reference code and price. Unfortunately the only place I have a correlation between section name and product reference is within Actinic.

          As I see it, I have 2 options:
          1. Export from Actinic to a spreadsheet, then manipulate the spreadsheet so that it contains my 3 required columns. Then edit the prices and re-import. I've tried to do this, but I keep getting the 'Error in the first line of the file' error message.

          2. Establish a spreadsheet with 2 columns - reference number and price (which I already have) - then duplicate the first column to become 'Section name' and import as new data - so I then have my product 2454018MXX3 in a section also called 2454018MXX3. My question then is - how does Actinic deal with importing brand new section names - does it use defaults for the corresponding HTML filenames and layout templates? And what's an easy way to get rid of all the old data, i.e. the section called 453 and all its numerical buddies?

          The 'work in progress' site is at if that's any help!

          I very much appreciate the help!

          Best wishes



            Hi there

            a. Do I need to include the section names if the product refs are unique?
            For flat file you need to include a section name

            b. Should I be using flat file or hierarchical file format for the input?
            Flat file are more easy to do, then hierarchical. The hierarchical format is quite hard to understand

            c. Is there a simple step-by-step guide that will help me to do this!
            There is a sample flat file csv file which is stored in your site1 folder. If you go to the following: "C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1\Common" you should see a file called "SampleFlatImportFileRefs.csv"

            One thing is that you don't need all these reference you could just have

            Section text
            Section description
            Product reference
            Short description (Product Name)
            Full description (Product Description)
            With regards to sections, if you want to have a subsection, you need to use a pipe symbol, so for example you could have

            "Section text"
            "Section Name | Subsection1 | Subsection2"

            Kind Regards
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development


              Thanks Nadeem, but I still don't see an easy way to get my csv spreadsheet with section name, reference number and price columns. Can I export the current info from Actinic, edit the prices and re-import?

              When trying to do this using the instructions in KB259, I keep getting the 'There was an error in the first line of the file' message.

              I don't have any sub-sections, so that's not a problem - but I do need to know how to get a simple 3-column spreadsheet file that I can edit and re-import.


                Could you not just cut and paste the product reference into the section name, This way you sort it out for the long term and although drudgery should not take to long
                Chris Ashdown


                  Chris, I'm beginning to think you're right - that may well be the easiest solution.

