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Changing Font Size of Short Description

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    Changing Font Size of Short Description

    Please can someone tell me how I Change the Font Size of the Short Description?



    There are two ways to change the color for the Product Name display :

    1. You can embed the HTML codes for font color in the Short Description field in the Product Details window itself. For e.g :
    !!<<font color="blue">Calculator</font>>!!

    2. Open Act_ProductLine.html from Advanced | Template Manager | Section. Find the code : NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME
    You can enclose this variable with the font tags again to achieve the desired result.

    After applying either of these changes upload site.

    The first option will be more useful if you wish to display different product names in different colors. To effect an overall change option 2 would be better.

    Hope this helps.
    Krithika Chandrasekar


    E-commerce software by SellerDeck


      In Act_ProductLine.html (or whatever your productline is called) you will see this line

      <span class="actregular"><b>NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME</b></span>

      The part "actregular" refers to a style than is stored in actinic.css which will be available in your Site1 folder.

      You can edit this file with notepad or a program like Dreamweaver.

      If you change the colour here it will affect all text that uses "actregular"

      You should create your own style in the actinic.css file called something like "namestyle" and replace the

      <span class="actregular"><b>NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME</b></span>

      Code to read

      <span class="namestyle"><b>NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME</b></span>

      If you need to alter the colour, size, format of the text in the future then you only need to change it once in the .css file
      Owner of a broken heart

