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Product Layout Problem

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    Product Layout Problem

    Has anyone ran into this one? I can't find it in the forum or knowledge base.

    I am using a fragment in front of my products in a section of my store. The fragment layout is "Image to the right of text and title". The following products are using the "No image, laid out in rows" layout. The page displays correctly with Firefox but not with the built in preview (which I assume is based on Internet Explorer) and not in Internet Explorer. The display of the products in Explorer uses only about half of the available space as if it is leaving space for an image. Does anyone have a fix for this?

    I have attached a screenshot of this problem.

    Attached Files

    Hi Craig,

    I can't really see why you are using a fragment to display the image and other information.

    It can all be contained on the Actinic page by having Product Description on left and image and any other information underneath the image.

    If you take a look at my site - and see if this is the kind of look you are looking for.

    If so, you need to have a CUSTOM_PROPERTY called EXTRA_TEXT.

    Hope this helps,


    Location: North Yorkshire UK


      Thanks for the reply David. I am using the fragment as a header for multiple products that I do not currently have images of. I eventually plan to add the images and use the layout you describe but I would like to lay out the page as I described in my previous post. I guess you could only see one product on my screenshot.




        Is it possible for you to post a url of the site in question, so we can find out where this issue is coming from?

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          Hi Nadeem,

          I am not able to supply a URL yet as I am developing on my local system.

          This seems to be an issue with the fragment html. I believe it is a column span setting in the fragment html. I have not been able to locate the template for fragments. Where is the fragment html located?



            Hi there

            With fragments, when you select a layout eg "Image to the right of text and title", there should be an edit button next to it. When you click on it, it should open the template the fragment uses.

            Kind Regards
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development


              Thanks, Nadeem.

              I was able to solve my problem by removing "colspan=2" in the first td tag of the Act_ProductlineTable.html template.


