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Onload and Preloaded images javascript error

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    Onload and Preloaded images javascript error

    How can I edit the NETQUOTEVAR:ONLOAD or set a different template for the final check out page that redirects to the PSP (Protx in this case).

    We've removed a nav bar (edited templates) that's global throughout the site except in the cart/checkout, we're geting a JavaScript error because the pages (except the final page in the process, the redirect page) are trying to preload the images for the rollovers, except there are not they have been removed (edited out in the cart/checkout).

    If we remove the NETQUOTEVAR:ONLOAD this solves the image preload error but then the redirect page stalls and users must click next to proceed to payment.

    We would like to be able to set a new template for preload and one for onload(), is this possible? e.g. Act_PrimaryCheckout-preload.html and Act_PrimaryCheckout-redirect.html

    Can an If or Select statement with a response.write be added to the body tag to write the onload() and preloaded images respectively, pulling in from the QuerryString? Unfortunately I have a usable knowlage of ASP but am pants with JavaScript

    Or... I bet theres a really simple answer as always with Actinic .
    Justin Rowe

    Hi Justin,

    For the checkout primary template, please could you make sure the following javascript declaration is in the template.

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actiniccore.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actinicextras.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
    If these are missing you will get the error message you have described.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Thanks Nadeem, but they are both linked correctly.

      Any ideas?
      Justin Rowe


        Hi Justin

        Im going to pass your query onto our development team to get some advise from them, I will let you know when I hear from them.


          Thanks James let me know if you need any of our code.
          Justin Rowe


            Hi there

            NETQUOTEVAR:ONLOAD cannot be removed as it stops the redirect page redirecting making the users click next as you have found.

            I got our developers to have a look at your problem, and they couldnt see why you have an error just because you removed the Nav bar.

            PreloadImages simply gets the listed images from the server and
            stores them in memory, it does not matter that they are not used.

            Removing the Nav Bar from the checkout pages does not cause a javascripts error in a default Actinic site, it looks like it could be down to something else you have possbly done to cause the javascript error.

            Is there anything else you have changed within your cart/checkout templates?



              Are you using 7.0.2?

              Actinic (rather naughtily) made some changes to ActinicCore.js in 7.0.2 that use the preloadimages routine to set a JavaScript variable that's used by other bits of code (like the extended info popups).

              So if you don't use their standard <body.....> code you may have some unexpected problems elsewhere.
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

