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actinic SSL page / issue # and start dates

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    actinic SSL page / issue # and start dates

    NOTE: I use actinic shared SSL - thats what this pertains to!

    It seems to me that some cards have issue #; some have valid from dates, and most don't have either.

    no problem there, if ALL cards of a same type need the same info..... but they dont!! Its a pain having switch, switch (no issue), maestro, maestro (valid from)... etc

    i've added 'switch (no issue number)' as an option, but some of my customers dont read and just select switch (or meastro etc) then have a panic attack when they find they are asked for issue or valid from or whatever, and of course it isnt on the card.

    I have a SIMPLE REQUEST!!!!!!

    can the actinic ssl page please have a few lines added that state the following (or similar):

    If your card has an issue number, please enter it or enter '0'
    If your card has a valid-from or start date, please enter it, or enter '01 2000'

    that should help some of my customers who can't be bothered to read the options.

    Oh, and whilst we are at it, can somone please format the valid from date correctly?? currently, there is a [month box]/[year box]
    the end date has an extra space [month box]/<space>[year box]
    can you either add a <space> either side of the slash on BOTH formats please, or take the <space> in the end date away as the boxes don't line up and it looks slack!!! Either way, can you make the formats for start and end the SAME please!!!

    many thanks folks (glad you removed the horizontal lines too!!!)
    Last edited by Andy Warner; 06-Jan-2005, 05:45 PM. Reason: updated
    Andy Warner - rpgs, boardgames, dice and other geeky stuff D&D and Star Wars Miniatures

    Both running the Cart from Search Page hack

    Also and

    All running V8.5.2 Multisite on a windows 7 quad PC, augmented by Mole End automation, from a single shared database, using actinic specific hosting from Host-IT.

    Hi Andy,

    Thanks for the comments, i will post this as a wishlist for the Actinic SSL change.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

