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Flat Import Duplicate Product

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    Flat Import Duplicate Product

    Is it possible to import duplicate products along with the original references using flat file import?

    Duplicates are covered in Help | Valid Fields for Importing, and it looks like it can be done by setting Product Type=1.

    But I get "All product references must be unique" in the mapping errors file when the product reference field is either not unique or simply left blank. (I tried a seperate import of duplicate-only products too, but no luck )

    Thanks - Keno.

    I think I got lucky...because I can't find a reference to this anywhere except one of my old posted questions

    After running a hierarchical export I see that the duplicate Product Reference must be like form 1!ABC. Where 1 is the number of the duplicate, ! is some sort of delimiter, and ABC is the original Product Reference.

    I think the third duplicate of this product would be Product Reference 3!ABC. Now to go and try the big import again...



      Originally posted by keno
      I think I got lucky...because I can't find a reference to this anywhere except one of my old posted questions

      After running a hierarchical export I see that the duplicate Product Reference must be like form 1!ABC. Where 1 is the number of the duplicate, ! is some sort of delimiter, and ABC is the original Product Reference.

      I think the third duplicate of this product would be Product Reference 3!ABC. Now to go and try the big import again...

      Having spent ages getting either "no ref" or "duplicate ref", I found this post., and I've just tried this with a flat file - works brilliantly! All I did was concatenated in Excel to add 1! to the Product reference field and put original ref no in the Original Product Reference field.
      New Year - new YOU!
      (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -

