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Catalog Navigation Button missing!

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    Catalog Navigation Button missing!

    I've been experimenting with using individual nav buttons on the brochure (home) page and catalog pages. Unfortunately, I can now only see the catalog button (NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBCATALOG) on the product pages, and not the store front or the brochure page! All the other buttons can be put in individually in any location on any page, but not NAVBCATALOG. Even when I revert to using FOOTERGUIDE in the templates, the catalog button doesn't appear.

    Can anyone help?!
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    I'm afraid that you've come across a bug with that particular NETQUOTEVAR. You would have to hard-code that particular button. The code would be something like:

    <A HREF="http://domain/acatalog/index.html" TARGET="_self" onMouseOver="SwapImage('products','acatalog/shop2.gif')" onMouseOut="RestoreImage()"><IMG SRC="acatalog/shop1.gif" ALT="Products" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=28 WIDTH=170 name=products></A>
    Change 'domain' to be your url and 'index.html' to be the page you want to open (ie the first shop page). The image names should be your images if different from the default (note that I took this from the 'Best Seller' theme so the widths of the images may be different for you depending on the theme you use.

    Even when I revert to using FOOTERGUIDE in the templates, the catalog button doesn't appear.
    In the brochure pages you should use NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERGUIDE


      Thanks Tracey!

      Will NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBCATALOGLINK work in place of the HREF="....."? This would save me re-coding when moving from test site to live site....

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        Will NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBCATALOGLINK work in place of the HREF="....."?
        Sorry, but I've just tried it and I'm afraid that it doesn't work either. The main problem with this is that it does not add 'acatalog' onto the link. I have just tried manually adding '/acatalog/' after it and this works but not when the software is on test mode or sent up to a different web space.

