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Import Advanced Link Settings

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    Import Advanced Link Settings

    I have manually tested the AUG process of "Creating a List Page which links through to detail pages". It all worked fine. But I want to implement the same process by using an import of all the data, but the problem is that my [LINK] text appears on the page as "[LINK]" without any hypertext.

    My process is to first import/replace all 250 base level products(printer cartridges), one per section,e.g. HP | Laser Printer | HP 92274A -> PRODUCT 92274A.

    I then import/update a set of 250 duplicates which I try to place one level up, e.g. HP | Laser Printer. The import goes okay, and on inspection, all the advanced link settings are set exactly like they should be using a manual process like in the AUG.

    However, the hyperlink does not get set, and in it's place I just get "[LINK]". Is there any reason my import would not work as described above?

    Some points of note:
    -The import creates a duplicate section called Laser Printer, and I end up with two same named sections side by side.

    -In some cases I make my product link to another duplicate product.

    -Sometimes after the second import, if I check and uncheck the Advanced Link checkbox the hyperlink appears and works. But it will only work on the first row of my compact product listings.- (that's the wierdest part)

    Is there any reason why the above import should not work? Is there a better way to do this? Web page is here in development.

    THanks - Keno

    are these separate products with completely different product references, or linked products?
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      The first import/replace imports 250 products. Some of them are duplicate products. They are seperate products not linked to any other products.

      For example, HP cartridge with it's own reference number may also fit a Canon or Apple printer. So I create 2 more duplicates. 1!xxx-xxx-xxx and 2!xxx-xxx-xxx in the set of base products.

      During the second import, which is an update, I duplicate all 250 again, but I number them differently. If the base product was not a duplicate I add 5 and call it 5!xxx-xxx-xxx. If it was a duplicate I multiply it by 10 and add 5, so a duplicate in the first import, e.g. 2!xxx-xxx-xxx would be numbered 25!xxx-xxx-xxx in the second import.

      All the data gets populated like I want. It's just that the hypertext links don't work.




        Thanks WebYourBusiness for the questions - got me thinking...

        I changed my Excel import file Full Description Field from "[LINK]" to "NETQUOTEVAR:LINK" now I can see all my Hypertext Links.

        Hmmm...should have done that export way back. Next time I have an import question...ask me what a good export looks like first.

