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File Permissions Locked

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    File Permissions Locked

    I am running Actinic Catalog 3 version 3.04.9ARA.

    I have permissions set on the webserver to be 705 and when I try and update my catalog [I've want to remove an item], I get the following message:

    The web script was unable to delete the specified file from the web site because the file's permissions are locked.

    The permissions I have set are 705 - full user access and should be sufficient.

    Does anyone have an idea what I can try?


    Hi Anthony

    The permission should be set to 777 rather than 705. Please set this permission for your /acatalog/ folder.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Thank you for your feedback.

      Is 777 secure? Surely that is full permissions for all users on all the files in the directory.

      One of the reasons I changed to 705 was due to a problem that my hosting company was using an old version of php and the site was modified without my permission. I was hoping 705 would be enough permissions for me to modify and users from the internet to browse.

      Please confirm before I make the change..

      Thanks again...


        Hi there

        In our experience, 777 permission is secure. We need this permission for the catalog to work. Most of the users on this forum have set their permissions for the /acatalog/ to be 777.

        I was hoping 705 would be enough permissions for me to modify and users from the internet to browse.
        But when the script generate the ord file, you need to provide that permission (reading, writing and executing) for everyone.

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development

