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Receipt page verrrrrrrrrrrryyyyy slow to load

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    Receipt page verrrrrrrrrrrryyyyy slow to load

    After a successful sale via Worldpay, if you choose the view Merchant Receipt button it does load, eventually, but takes up to a minute to display. Anyone else have this problem or know of a fix??

    Hi there

    If it takes a long time to load up the actinic reciept page, then this suggest an issue with actinic communicating with your smtp server. What is your website url? What we can do is check the error log that actinic produces.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Originally posted by Nadeem
      Hi there

      If it takes a long time to load up the actinic reciept page, then this suggest an issue with actinic communicating with your smtp server. What is your website url? What we can do is check the error log that actinic produces.

      Kind Regards
      Hi Nadeem




        Hi Andrew, Nice lightbulb logo

        Anyway checking your error log i found this error.

        Too many concurrent SMTP connections from this IP address; please try again later.
        I'm just wondering, in your "Advance | Network Setup", where it says "SMTP Server", are you using the smtp server from your hosting company? If so, then i would suggest in getting in touch with them and telling them to increase the connection.

        If you are not using the hosting company smtp server, then please change it to use their connection.

        If you want to see this error, simply go to

        Scroll right down and to the right and you will see the errors.

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development

