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Adjusting Price in component and on drop down menu.

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    Adjusting Price in component and on drop down menu.


    I'm having trouble with working out something for components. I have a component which offers different product sizes, and in order to allow the different sizes to be of different prices, I have used the permutations tab and selected override to create the pricing structure as I need it to be. However, does anyone know if there is anyway that I can set a price to appear in the drop down menu (where customers make size selections), based on what the price is set to for that size product on the permutations tab of the component. I.e. so that when I update the price on the permutations tab the prices in the drop down menu automatically update, therefore saving a lot of time and always allowing customers to view the latest price. (I hope that makes sense!)

    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

    Many Thanks

    I'm afraid not.

    This is a well-known major weakness in Actinic.

    All you can do is manually put a copy of the price in the HTML for name field of each choice.

    Then you have to remember to keep that price in sync with the permutation one whenever you alter prices.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

