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    Right now the way menu becomes active only when you go over the "LETTERING" on the menu.
    When you go over the box, (blue sction) it doesnt become active. See Attached.
    Is there a way to make the whole rectangular area to become active when a user moves his mouse over it?
    Attached Files

    is there a problem with what I posted?
    How come no one is responding?


      Hi there,

      I think its because you don't have enough information without any links to see where this issue is. Also did you get this menu from another site, javascript or dhtml or normenu? If so, then it possible that we cannot help you with this issue, and you may need to ask a html/css forum.

      Kind Regards
      Nadeem Rasool
      SellerDeck Development


        It sounds like the HREF linking to the pages is just on the text - I guees the lettering is actual text and not part of a graphic? If this is the case you need to create a graphic of the text and link the whole box to give you the active mouse over effects.

        If you want to retain the lettering as text then you can add a transparent GIF to the right of the text and also link that to your page. This is something I have done in the past as I used replcated "blank" buttons as a cell background and placed the text as a link over the top - this speeds up downloads but you have to be more careful selecting the text - the added GIF made the rest of the box to the right of the text clickable - there will obviously be some parts above, beneath and to the left of the text that are not active but you would have to be very accurate with the mouse to notice this

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

