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Minimal pages...

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    Minimal pages...

    I currently manage and maintain a large online ordering site using Actinic 6. We have until now largely used Actinic's templated pages to make the site contents. However after a couple of years of making do with Actinics out-of-the box solution areas such as search engine optimistation, page layout flexibility, and custom elements are becoming more and more necesary in order to keep our heads up with the competition that has sprung up since we started out in 2003.

    My plan is to strip the product list pages down to their absolute minimum (i.e. no menus, headers, footers etc., just a list of items with add-to-basket buttons) and use PHP to totally recode the site from the ground upwards to be more customisable and friendly for me to work on.

    I wanted to know if anyone here had any useful information about getting actinic to d othe bare minimum. as far as sales frontend goes, allowing me to make a custom site with self-created content that still interfaces with actinic's 'basket' and 'checkout'.

    I am perfectly happy to keep using it to maintain individual product listings and the e-commerce side of things (payments, order processing etc) as it does it well enough for us.


    Actinic 6.0.2

    Hi Mark

    I wanted to know if anyone here had any useful information about getting actinic to d othe bare minimum
    For v6 we introduced the clean layout themes. These themes are designed to be as simple as possible. So it takes away all the graphics, and gives you the bare minimum.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

