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Urgent Help Needed

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    Urgent Help Needed

    Hi all

    Ive recently did installed a patch and now wish i didnt. Ive changed my site so much that lots of files were different and lots of problems arose so I thought it would be a simple cause of uninstalling the upgrade.

    Having reinstalled the software and importing my site everything that was there before was installed. How ever when i upload and test my site by clicking on either 'view cart, checkout or continue shopping it comes up with the following error....

    A General Script Error Occurred

    Error: sort trapped by operation mask at (eval 21) line 111.
    Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

    I cant understand why as it was working fine before and ive completely uninstalled and reinstalled ctinic so I would of thought it would of reverted back to the original state when I backed up??

    Any helps would be much appreciated



    I'm not sure how you were "importing my site". Did you use a Snapshot, Import the data, copy Site1, something else?.

    It might help to tell us the version you were using and what you updated to.

    If you have Perl problems then you can copy all .pm and .pl files from C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Original into Site1 and do a refresh.

    Before doing anything else I'd make a backup copy of Site1 (and the info in Housekeeping / Security) somewhere safe. And do a snapshot as well.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Hi Norman

      Before I upgraded from Actinic V6.02 to V6.1.5 I exported my site which i believe is a snapshot then after i had problems with the upgrade i imported the previous;ly saved snapshot.

      Ive tried copying all the pl and pm files from original but to no avail!


        Try searching the Forum for sort trapped by operation mask. There are lots of posts mentioning this.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Thanks Norman I've did what everyone has suggested re delecting cat, pl, pl, fil files and copying from original but to no avail, however one of the post by Nadeem states

          If it still does not work, then repeat step 1 and 2, but additionally, manually ftp to your site, delete .pl and .pm in your cgi-bin folder, and again, delete the .cat and .fil in your /acatalog/ folder, then do a web refresh.

          Ive replied to his post asking in the initial setup section askin where how exactly do i 'manually ftp to your site'? Wheres the cgi-bin and acatalog folders?





            how exactly do i 'manually ftp to your site'?
            You need to get some ftp software such as 'CuteFTP' and enter your ftp details for your server.

            Wheres the cgi-bin and acatalog folders?
            Depends on your server setup:

            could be in the root of your site
            could be in a 'public_html' folder
            could be in a 'docs' folder
            could be in a 'www' folder.


              Thanks Tracey, its all sorted now

