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Pay per click conversion tracking

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    Pay per click conversion tracking

    I understand that I should add the scripts to the Act_Order04.html template. Google state that the script should be placed between the Body tags, and Overture state that their script should be placed between the Head tags. This suggests to me that you cannot put them in the same place as each other (one after the other). The template in question does not contain any Body or Head tags. Somebody says on a previous posting that the Overture script should go at the end of the template. Where do I put the Google script? At the moment I have the Google script above the Overture script, and the Google image box does not appear as it should. The Google script that I have entered is supplied by Google with some modifications posted on here previously, using NETQUOTEVAR:ACTINICORDERTOTAL / 100 etc.

    Perhaps the Google image doesn't appear because I am testing out on a password protected site?


    Hi Sarah,

    The head and body tag are coming from the template in "Design | Option | Layout | Receipt Page Layout". Simply click on Edit, next to this and you will have the overall layout for the receipt page.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      My reply to myself

      I have solved the problem, Sarah. The Google image appeared when you went live with your Actinic site on Sunday morning. It wasn't appearing on your test site probably because the directory was passport protected.


