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image not showiing

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    image not showiing

    can someone tell me why my secure image in the right text box here


    is not showing.

    Something simple i have not done i think?



    You have
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" class="actxxsmall"><tr> <td valign="top"><br><a href="">
                        <img border="0" src="worldpaylogogif.gif"><br><br></td></tr></table>
    I fear that you tend to open a new thread at the slightest problem without trying to solve it yourself. This displaces other peopl's posts way down the list, and even onto the second page where they may not be seen (on V6 you had over 16!!! threads open in the same day).

    You should be able to solve these sort of problems yourself. Just look at the generated page and it should be clear.

    Is your image really called worldpaylogogif.gif?

    Is it in Site1?

    Why do you have no </a> tag?
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Hi Norman
      I was under the impression that the Actinic forum was there to offer help?
      I also understand that it is mainly a source for Actinic problems rather than html tips, however i have seen many threads on these subjects and you yourself have answered many questions and i see through all your postings you have been a great source of help for a lot of people, but sometimes very harsh, thinking that people have your knowledge on the subject
      I find your comment a bit rude suggesting i start a thread at every little thing, i search for a subject first on these boards and will look on the net also.

      My 16 threads last week were in desperation that i thought i may lose my business due to a hard drive problem that corrupted my database.

      As you can see i have now brought version 7 to get things back to normal.

      we can't all have html knowledge, in fact i dont even know what </a> tag? is and where it shoud be.

      If you cannot offer me any advice on my thread then please dont answer it!
      I dont mean to appear rude, however i would like practical help on how to solve the thread but NOT made to feel guilty about using these boards.




        I'm going to support Norman on this. These forums are here to help but it is expected that you try to help yourself before posting, and not expect every issue to be answered for you in great detail.

        The problem you have with the image has been raised before and there is an answer to it in the forum somewhere.

        Maybe the next skill you learn is how to search the forum more efficiently.

        in fact i dont even know what </a> tag? is and where it shoud be
        this sort of question should be posted in an HTML forum, if you find a good one you will learn more about HTML as you read other peoples questions. If you do want to post html q's in this forum then at least choose the "any other business" rather than the version specific.

        The benefit of this forum will be maintained if it keeps to Actinic Business, I use it both to reply to questions and to post sometimes, but more importantly it keeps me up to date so I know about known issues/bugs before i spend hours trying to resolve them.

        I must admit that when I see certain people posting I ignore them, I am always happy to help people who help themselves.


          Hi Jo
          Yeah point taken i will post in the "other business" section if this is where i can get advice on these issues.

          Please realise though that some of us know nothing about html and would be completly lost on a html forum, at least this way any changes i want to make are within actinic and people like Norman have great knowledge about the templates etc where any changes are needed, however if i could solve the problem myself i would not post.



            Hello Paul,

            Please realise though that some of us know nothing about html and would be completly lost on a html forum
            I highly recommend "HTML for Dummies". It's an easy read, takes only a few days to get through and will make life so much easier for you.

            Although you can use Actinic as an out of the box solution, if you want any degree of customisation of your store you really do need a bit of HTML knowledge. The good news is that it aint rocket science! It's really very straight forward.

            If you give it a go, you'll find that you'll be able to answer many of your own questions. The forum will always rescue you with anything you get stuck on if you've tried your best. Part of trying though is to bone up on HTML.

            Best wishes,



              Hi Myles
              How strange i ordered this book this evening.
              Many thanks for you reply.


