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section page!

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    section page!

    I am trying to change the look my product appear in section page.
    I am trying to achieve same look as the following url

    I want all the products in rows with short Des.+Pic.+Des+Price+Add to cart

    and if they click on the Pic they will see more detail information about the product or they can buy the products right there.

    How do I achieve this?

    Please explain step by step.

    Thanks in advance

    To acheive this you will have to edit one of the Act_productline.html files, and change the layout to how to want it to be.


      I know how to make the products appear in many rows with short Des.+Pic.+Des+Price+Add to cart .
      The question is after I put all the products in rows as shown on, when I click on the product it needs to go to its own page describing that product with .+Pic.+Des+Price+Add to cart and lager pic. How do I do that?


        Is this something out of question with Actinic?


          One option would be to create a new sections such as "New Arrivals" etc and copy the products into that section and set the layout to minimal - use the link option to link back to the main product with the full description

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            If you see this as an example, you know what I want:
            if you click on any item on that page, it goes to its own page where you can buy it.
            how can I do that in actinic?


              Thats the same as I suggested above.... in Actinic you will need to have 1 product per section (ie so only 1 product appears per page) - this will have the full details, image etc.

              Create a separate section laid out in rows / column etc which has just the basic info on the product. Copy your product into this new section. Under the new duplicate product you can set the LINK tab and ADVANCED LINK to link back to the original product.

              When someone views the new section they will see just the basic info set out in a single row as you have already created - when they click the link they are then taken directly to the page with just the single item showing.

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                I have already inputed 10 products under 1 section and have have many many sections.
                I dont want to do this manually to put each product in its own section.
                How can i creat AUTOMATICALLY the sections and then if need be i move the products 1 by 1 under the automatically created Sections.


                  I don't think it is possible to do this automatically I'm afraid. You will need to do the following for each new product (assuming you were adding a product called 'Bookcase':

                  1) Create a section called 'Furniture'
                  2) Create a sub-section within this called 'Bookcase'
                  3) Create a product within this sub-section called 'Bookcase'
                  4) Once the product is created, duplicate it.
                  5) Move the duplicate to the 'Furniture' section
                  6) Change the layout of the duplicate so it is more compact.
                  7) Use the 'Links' tab of the duplicate to create a link back to the 'Bookcase' subsection.

