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/ will not display

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    / will not display

    We have a hacked off customer attempting to purchase from our site. Every time he goes to the checkout (bounce page and then page ending /, that page will not display.

    He gets a browser instruction to refresh, but it still does not work.

    We thought it may be down to his network settings, not allowing secure https pages to display.

    Does anyone have any ideas, is it him or is it us?

    No one else has reported the problem and we are unable to replicate it.



    Is your customer using an AOL browser? If so, make sure they are using the latest one - there is a problem with AOL 6.0 browsers rejecting the long URLs required for the transition to https.


      Hi Chris

      Thanks for the reply.
      No, the customer is accessing our site using IE and over a network.

      Another customer had a similar problem whereby the page came up blank. They were accessing it over a network.

      They did say that the site loaded quickly, but that the checkout pages (as far as they got) were very slow.




        I have been having similar problems,

        I keep being told that someone is looking at it. To be fair both my ISP & Actinic have run various dummy orders using all different ISP Connections & browser but have never been able to make it fall over. Although my customers with this problem all seem to use different connections and browsers

        I had started to wonder if i had been the only one with this problem. There is a thread started a while ago with loads more info on this

        Chris perhaps you could prod someone that its 3 weeks since i have heard anything, a "We dont no" answer would at least be some feed back.



          More unable to purchase problems


          Thanks for the posting.
          We have just been contacted by another customer who is having the same problem. We now have to bypass Actinic and our site completely and take some customers card details over the phone. Its crazy. Our sales are down and servicing customers this way costs us time and money.

          The real worry is that only a handful of customers have bothered to contact us. We don't know how many (or how few) customers are having the same problem.

          If anyone has any ideas please join in.



            When i look at the number of sessions on our sight against the number of orders there is a huge difference i would expect a difference but maybe not as big.

            I actually had one customer on the phone and talk through the order with him and gave him a credit card number to try and it still failed, i got straight on to my ISP and they looked in the secure server log and have since sent a copy to actinic, who looked at it, i rang a week later and they where still looking at it, and that was the last i herd.

            anyone else any tales to offer



              Problem cured - hopefully


              We have just contacted the people we used to do our Actinic templates and help with the integration of Actinic v6. (Smart Decision).

              They suggested the following:

              1. Check the amount of space used to host Actinic, if it is running out it may cause a problem. We have loads anyway, so that was not the problem.

              2. Do a complete Site Refresh.

              We did this and contacted our customer. We got them to clear their browser cache and made sure they could accept cookies. They purchased without any problems.

              Hopefully this has cured any problems, but time will tell.


                interesting Smart decision do work for us too

                I will check our space but im sure i have plenty.

                your answer to the cookies, could this mean that there could be a problem with the way actinic handles new or old cookies held in peoples browsers.

                Maybe the developers could look at this as to the possible problem of not refreshing or clearing out cookies.





                  The steps we took above worked for one customer. However, they did not work for another. So we are almost back to square one.

                  The next possible cause is the setup of SSL and digital certificates on our site.

                  If anyone from Actinic has any ideas about possible setups and variations depending upon different hosting solutions, please feel free to help a drowning man.



                    i have been trialing my site using the actinic inbuilt secure encryption this week and everthing is going ok, no customer complaints. It seems abit of a waste of money having spent out for a shared secure server only to find i cant use it.

                    So this would point to the problem with the transfer to the secure server.

                    however i do not understand that side of things but im sure someone at actinic does, any comments???




                      Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to help you with SSL setup as I know very little myself.

                      All I can suggest is registering an email support question here and the email support team will get back to you with some suggestions.



                        Chris i do not understand SSL either, it's all Dutch to me

                        I have registered this at the link you provided, but someone at your end is suppose to be looking in to this issue, and yes i have spoken to someone on the phone and had been promised someone get back to me.

                        Just one thing, your automated answering service drives me up the wall.



                          Darren - with regards to the feedback on the error log, apologies for not getting back to you sooner.

                          The team have looked at the errors regarding the 'mod_mime_magic' module and have concluded this is not directly to do with the problem. This module simply is used by Apache to determine the file type of files by looking at the magic number.

                          This is probably to do with the fact that when you visit you can see the directory list of the acatalog folder. If you click on any *.session file then most likely this module is activated by Apache to check the type of the file but the file can not be read (correctly).

                          However, there might be a possibility that not having an index.html file within your 'acatalog' folder is causing a problem in AOL browsers in the transition to SSL - maybe the server is bogged down with writing these errors. Although, I admit, there is no direct evidence for this.

                          The developer who has been dealing with your problem is away until the end of next week.

                          In addition, we have found this microsoft knowledge base article which seems to indicate the symptoms you are exeriencing. The fix for it is an addition to the Apache httpd.conf file which I have detailed in the attached text file.

                          I have passed on all this information to our email support team so now I suggest you await a response from them.
                          Attached Files


                            thanks chris

                            i did not think it was you that needed to reply but the information is much appreciated, i will follow the link and view the text file.

                            Thanks for your help



                              is there any new versions of IE it does not apply to,

                              I guess from reading it that if your ISP upgrades SSL 2.0 to 3.0 then IE falls over, the MS developers obviously think they run the worlds software and everyone has to fit in with their system for compatability, perhaps MS need to have a look out side occasionaly.

                              Also do you know if anyone has told internetters, as they have been working on this aswell


