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Protx - Actinic

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    Protx - Actinic

    I am using Actinic Catalogue V6 and am trying to link the system to Protx. I have installed the protx-actinic patch from am am trying to configure/test Actinic. Point 7 on the readme files tells me to increment Number by 1 within OCCUpgrade.ini and suggests it previously should of been 1045, however Number was allready set to 1048.

    In actinic after selecting PROTX as a payment method within Business Settings and then clicking 'Configure Method' in order to configure the correct test details i am presented with an error. I have attatched a screen grab of the error which occurs both when clicking the 'Configure Method' button and when trying to upload the site.

    Any suggestions, thanks
    Attached Files



      Hi Paul,

      not sure why you're getting the error, but the increment bit is fine. You have to remember that the setup files were written a while ago and obviously everything moves forward. Just ensure that whenever you make a change to the .ini file you increase the count by one - in my case I'm running at 1052 currently.
      Back to the error - have you got the site set in Test mode? and are you using the testvendor ID/password details? Test loads using the test setting first before going live.


      <A HREF="" target="_blank"></A>
      <A HREF="" target="_blank"></A>

      Stop...........................................Carry on!


        Thanks Andy
        i have finally managed to sort it though. Spoke to Protx who said the protx-actinic patch isnt required on Actinic v6. I then re-installed the PSPsetup.exe information and everything is working fine ..... for now anyhow


          I have a site that was live with Protx(V5) but but now won't work. Decided to upgrade to V6 but my Protx testing fails with Error 400 bad request, at the point it says "order completed successfully". The order comes through, with PSP pending even thought it takes payment, but won't follow on to show the customer receipt. Protx are looking at it but I thought somebody out there may be quicker.

          Also they said that the OCCUpgrade version needs to be upgraded every time you do a change. Anybody out there who uses Protx, are you having to do this?
          Hanson Web Design

          Actinic hosting, Actinic Software, template design and re-design


            It seems when I took a snapshot from V5 and imported it into V6 that the new Protx template was overwritten. I had to re-copy the Protx template into the occ area, redefine parameters, update the ini file and reload. Seems to work now.
            Hanson Web Design
            Actinic hosting, Actinic Software, template design and re-design

