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Card Issue Numbers

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    Card Issue Numbers

    I have just downloaded Actinic 7 and like it a lot, but there is one issue that is putting me off making a purchase.

    As we all know some cards have issue numbers and others don't (I believe Switch and Solo.) I have read that the solution is to set up the payment screen like this:

    Switch with Issue Number
    Solo with Issue Number

    I am reluctant to set up up the catalogue like the above example, as I believe it looks unprofessional (never seen a major retailer with a setup like that.)

    Is it possible in any way to modify Actinic so that issue numbers are optional and the user can choose whether or not to enter a value for it? You would have the issue number box showing for all cards with (if applicable) beside it in brackets? This would remove the need for the "Switch with Issue Number", and "Solo with Issue Number Options."

    Hi there

    I'm afraid this is not possible to do with Actinic. This is why we have these options within the Actinic software.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

