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Product components with attribute choices

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    Product components with attribute choices

    Hello folks

    Picture this:

    Lets say I have a product (a printer) which can be supplied with or without an upgrade (a guillotine cutter unit) which in turn can be supplied either factory fitted, or unfitted. If the cutter is supplied fitted then the upgrade costs an additional £25 (fitting charge).

    So what I have at the moment is two products (a printer and a cutter) and I have created a component with a drop down list attribute, the drop down list includes three choices - "Not required", "Cutter (Unfitted)" and "Cutter (Fitted)". The component is linked to the cutter product which is hidden as it is not available as a separate item. The trouble is, that in order to get the correct price for the cutter when fitted (ie, +£25) I have had to set the price permutations tab to "Override" for the fitted cutter option, as there is no associated product which includes the fitting charge. This means that when we do a price change (we use actinic link from Sage) we still have to go and manually change the prices in actinic for all factory fitted options as they have no corresponding product in Sage.

    Is there any way around this? Such as creating the £25 fitting charge as a separate product and then combining it with the Cutter product if somebody chooses the factory fit option? Or will I have to make duplicates of all our upgrade options in Sage with the factory fit charge already included?

    Thanks for your help (if you can understand what I'm getting at )

    Using SellerDeck 2013 Business Plus

    KTEC Group

    Label Printer & Barcode Systems

    Hi Graham,

    With the different choices, you could create the choice as a hidden product, which can be ordered online. Then in the permutation on the choice, you could associate it to the hidden product. So this hidden product can be transferred to sage.

    Please see the following with thread with hidden products:

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

