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Secure and non-secure items (v7)

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    Secure and non-secure items (v7)


    I have a test site up here which I have just upgraded from v3 to v7.

    I am using SSL on the search and payment pages, but get a warning 'page has secure and non-secure items'.

    I have seen threads relating to this in v6, and have tried to implement the same fix (ie removing the bgimage NQV) but there doesn't seem to be a style sheet associated with this site. I have commented out the bgimage NQV in the body tag on Act_Primary though, and still get the problem.

    It seems to be all of the button and logo images which are causing the problem, as if you say no to display non-secure items, these are omitted.

    Obviously it was quite a big upgrade from v3 to v7 and I guess v3 used inline styles (I didn't design the site!), so does anyone know a way I can quickly fix this? Alternatively I can put the whole site on SSL as it will be redesigned soon anyway.

    Thanks in advance for any help, Dan

    Are the View Cart and Check Out pages the same layout as the Default?

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Hi Jont

      Thanks for the reply.

      No, they are not the same template.

      And they use NQV:HEADER & FOOTER for the default navigation buttons.

      Does this help?



        Hmmmm... as a guess do you have the navigation images also on the secure server? The mouse over functions also appear to be trying to show the "out" icon images which do not have an extension (.gif) - the "over" images have the extension

        May be simplest to set the cart pages to the same defaults as it appears most of the nav buttons are the same as the main site and the users will also be familiar with the existing navigation by the time they reach the cart

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

