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images on home page on every page

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    images on home page on every page

    hi there all,

    before i start i know this is a question about dreamweaver, but it is specifficly related to the actinic home page.

    i have a catalouge generated in actinic and have joined a webring for my site, but have to put thier logo on my homepage to be listed etc, but the logo is appearing on every page as there is no brochure page to my web. Is there any way that i can leave the logo here and not have it on all the other pages? Or if i can put it, and others like it just on one section of this home page and not have it on all other pages. I really want it to be on the side and not at the bottom, but could not get the image to paste there in dreamweaver.

    Is there any way that i can have a solution to this problem?

    Thanks for all your help,



    Thanks for all help everyone!!

    You can set the primary template used for your home page in Design>options>'layout' tag.

    If you use a unique template for the home page then anything in it will only appear there.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Web ring

      Originally posted by DecorativeXtras
      hi there all,

      i have a catalouge generated in actinic and have joined a webring for my site,

      Anil there is some school of thought that search engines don't like webrings!

      what sought is it that you are joining?
      I have no signature


        hi there,

        i did not know this about webrings, the address is beolw for thew site:

        can you let me know if it will disrupt my google pr, as i think i'm doing well so far,


        Thanks for all help everyone!!


          Web ring


          I will try and find out some facts for you!
          I have no signature


            Web rings


            Have a look at this link here it appears it will not do you any harm, sorry for the confusion.
            I have no signature


              thanks mike,

              thats great thanks for your help, now i know that it is worth making another page just for the home page, what do i need to do in the options stated previously:

              You can set the primary template used for your home page in Design>options>'layout' tag.

              If you use a unique template for the home page then anything in it will only appear there.

              is it the front page layout that i need to change? or the login page layout? what do you suggest i do? Below is what i think i need to do, can you let me know if it seems a right:

              1. make another version of the homepage in dreamwaever without the webring, rename it 'actprimary_layout'

              2. go into the options stated earler, Design>options>'layout' , under defauult overall layout, click on 'select' then browse my directory and click to the 'actprimary_layout' page.

              Does this seem right? sorry i am a novice on actinic, but love to learn to do this stuff, but dont want to make mistakes at the same time,



              Thanks for all help everyone!!



                Hi Anil,

                How are you with html coding? What you could do, is simply add 1 product in your front store, and simply untick "Can be ordered online". So this gives the presence of a fragment. You can embed html coding within the full description by using

                insert html coding

                So if you do this in the front store, add the html coding for the webring, then it will only appear here.

                Kind Regards
                Nadeem Rasool
                SellerDeck Development


                  thanks for your help, i think the first sounds easy enough, i am absolutly rubish at html, can do only real basic stuff, i will give the layout thing a try, but would feel more confident if i got a confirmation if what i suggested to actually do was right, i will just back the web up before i try, wish me luck all.... thanks again for all your help
                  Thanks for all help everyone!!


