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Actinic on 2 computers

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    Actinic on 2 computers


    we are currently using actinic business7. We would like to know if we are aloud to install actinic on 2 computers, this because we would like to maintain the website from somewhere else (outside the company)

    thank you


    Hi there

    Yes you are allowed to install actinic on 2 machines. The licence agreements says you cannot use the same licence key to upload to different server for different stores.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      So, is it just a question of installing Actinic on the second machine, entering the licence key and importing the site backup file?


        From the working machine - go to Advanced | Network Settings and click the Export button - you can then Import these settings on the other machine - saving a lot of hassle.

        At the same time, go to Housekeeping | Security and copy the contents of the four boxes off to NotePad or similar and save that - copy the file across to the new machine, and you can cut and paste to get the settings there right first time too.
        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
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          Thanks Bill.


            Isn't there a problem insofar that snapshots have to be constantly passed between the two PCs before an upload is made on either PC so that they are "in sync" in terms of design, orders and stock? ie if a change in design is made on the "design" PC, a snapshot has to be passed to the "orders" PC so that the "orders" PC doesn't upload an old design when it is regularly updating stock levels?

            PS - my question/comment applies particularly where two PCs are in use at the same time for different tasks (design/orders) - however if the second PC is only at use in the evening, and the first PC is only in use in the daytime, and both are doing the same things, there is less of a problem.
            Last edited by Mark H; 19-May-2006, 10:18 AM. Reason: more information

            Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


              Isn't there a problem insofar that snapshots have to be constantly passed between the two PCs before an upload is made on either PC so that they are "in sync" in terms of design, orders and stock? ie if a change in design is made on the "design" PC, a snapshot has to be passed to the "orders" PC so that the "orders" PC doesn't upload an old design when it is regularly updating stock levels?
              We only ever use one pc for catalog and the other pc for ordering. The ordering pc never uploads the site (it has that functionality switched off), and the catalog pc never downloads orders.

              his works well - BUT - you can't use the stock level functionality when operating a 2 pc model as the catalog machine has no knowledge of stock levels and the stock levels are uploaded via the catalog process, but adjusted via the orders process. These is a great disappointment to us, as we thought we would be able to use the stock levels and we can't.


                That's partly my point - for instance our site is configured to show when a product is out of stock - people still order but it saves a lot of having to tell people that they can't have their goodies straight away

                Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


                  One other thing that occurs to me (sorry - doing gloomy today) is that one might have difficulty if one ever wanted to revert to a one PC model or have a single site snapshot - does anyone know of a way of combining a design on one PC with a product and order history on another (long since un-synced) PC - hopefully easy but I can't just think how you would do it.

                  Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


                    If the split is products & settings on one machine and orders (alone) on the other machine, then create a snapshot of the products machine and import that snapshot (same versions as usual) into the orders machine ensuring that the overwrite target orders is not enabled.

                    This will make the order download machine insync with the development machine... If you need it the other way around, i.e. orders onto products machine, then you can export the orders alone, but it is known to have issues with lots of orders, so easier the way explained above.


                      Developer - Business

                      Can we update design from computer running developer and download on another pc using Business, I get the error msg upgrade you version : -
                      Server version 7FJBA
                      Client Version 7gbga

                      Thanks Paul
                      Paul Hesford
                      Web Design Wigan

                      Based in the Northwest of England UK, provides web design, programming, e-commerce and web hosting services

                      Cheap Whey Protein from Powerbeck
                      Web Designer in Wigan
                      Actinic Hosting
                      Dog Kennels and Runs


                        This means that the 2 machines do not have the same version of actinic installed.

                        You need to go into Help | About on both machines and then get the Business machine onto the exact same version as the Developer machine (Assuming you did develop and upload this site using your developer).


                          Desktop & Laptop Use

                          I shall run into a similar issue soon. I have developer v7 and am creating a number of sites that I need to access from either my laptop or desktop. Does the licence allow this and how can I set this up to ensure it functions correctly.



                            You should be OK with developer as it handles everything under the same main engine - so snapshotting from PC to Laptop should be a breeze

                            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                              Developer works with Business

                              Thanks support @ techno

                              The error msg as been addressed by updating my developer version to the same version as the business software

                              Thanks Paul
                              Paul Hesford
                              Web Design Wigan

                              Based in the Northwest of England UK, provides web design, programming, e-commerce and web hosting services

                              Cheap Whey Protein from Powerbeck
                              Web Designer in Wigan
                              Actinic Hosting
                              Dog Kennels and Runs

