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Can we show ONLY the second currency on pages

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    Can we show ONLY the second currency on pages

    Is it possible to show only the 2nd currency on the pages and, more complicated, in the Cart.
    We have shoppers from both GBP and Euro zones and we want to be able to differentiate between them based on a customer setting, such as Group, adn then using IF, or equivalent, statement display either GBP or Euro prices ONLY.
    The data will all link through from Sage Line 50 with Foreign Currency switched on.

    Any help much appreciated
    David Cunningham
    ECommerce (SellerDeck) & Web Design, Hosting, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media and Remote Backup (Truska Backup)

    Sounds scary, but possibly can be done by commenting out a lot of stuff in Act_productPrice.html (easy) and changes to (difficult).
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Scary - not what I wanted to hear, but I did expect it though. I will have a look at what you suggest - if we got the page display OK it might be enough - The cart I would think is the (very) scary! bit.

      Do you know of example code that cold be used as a basis or example for the IF bit of deciding whether to display GBP or Euro?

      Thanks for the help - I look fwd to expermenting later.

      David Cunningham
      ECommerce (SellerDeck) & Web Design, Hosting, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media and Remote Backup (Truska Backup)


        Have a look at and follow the link to NorPrice (luckily near the top of the page) where you'll see a way of changing the alt currency on the fly. This uses a similar technique to what you're after (i.e. modifying the entire price display).
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Again thanks for that. The NorPrice does not seem suitable as it does not hid the base currency and as the exchage rates are live they will vary the Euro price without our control. Clients get a negoiated fixed price either sterling or Euro and this is controlled by seeting the STG price ina price list na dnot changing the exchange rates evertime the currency flickers.

          The site will be for registered trade customers only - no public buying.

          I looked into act_ProductPrice and the actual price is rendered by NETQUOTEVAR:COST - can I get into NETQUOTEVAR:COST to control from within or is this all hardcoded.

          What we want as a result is as below:

          Normal Actinic display:
          Price: £7.97 / €12.75 (Excluding: VAT at 17.5%)

          For customer in Customer Group Sterling:
          Price: £7.97 VAT at 17.5%)

          For customer in Customer Group Euro:
          Price: €12.75 (Excluding: VAT at 17.5%)

          The selection of currency can be controlled by any field in the system such as Country Code in address - it does not have to be a customer group. In fact Country Code may be a better choice.


          David Cunningham

          ECommerce (SellerDeck) & Web Design, Hosting, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media and Remote Backup (Truska Backup)


            I was just illustrating that it is possible to fiddle with the displayed text.

            You can use JavaScript to process NETQUOTEVAR:COST to display either the 1st or 2nd item depending on some other info.

            You can do a similar thing in for the prices that are displayed for logged-in customers. NETQUOTEVAR:COST seems only to be used for non-logged in ones.

            Inhibiting the VAT calculation may be much more difficult. Aren't we meant to charge the EU UK VAT anyway?
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              Re VAT - you do not have to charge VAT to EU customers who have a valid EU member state VAT number. That will actually be the case with this site when we eventually get it going.

              I have done some, fairly simple, JavaScript work - but not a lot - are you aware of examples of this type of work being made available on the web? I would be keen to look at it myself before having to call in help. I have used and adapted code for other Actinic projects in te past but this one goes several steps further I think.

              Your help is much appreciated - Now I believe it can be done and that will allow the project to move forward at least. We were at a bit of an impasse for a while.

              Again thanks

              David Cunningham

              ECommerce (SellerDeck) & Web Design, Hosting, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media and Remote Backup (Truska Backup)


                are you aware of examples of this type of work being made available on the web?
                Look at for the other examples on currency conversion.

                They are textfiles containing some examples of playing with NETQUOTEVAR:COST.
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



                  Thanks for all that - I will have a look see and hopefully learn some more over the weekend or next week.

                  In the meantime thanks for your advise and help today.

                  David Cunningham

                  ECommerce (SellerDeck) & Web Design, Hosting, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media and Remote Backup (Truska Backup)


                    hi dave

                    if you have developer you can do it by running two sites one with £ and one with euros

                    1. duplicate your site
                    2. crate a subfolder on you hosts server called ie: euros
                    3. in view|opions | currency :change to euros
                    4. advanced | network setup :change
                    5. advanced | network setup :change to CGI Script ID from 1 to 2
                    6. On your home page you need to add 2 buttons 1 for £ : 1 for euros
                    I hpoe this helps
                    I know it is a long way round but is the only way i know

                    cheers adrian



                      Thanks for that - I know how to deal with your suggestion as I have set up multiple sites on a single domain before - the problem is the data is all going to come through from Sage Line 50 and doing it this way would mean having further steps to actually change the price before it reaches Actinic, this may be difficult as there is quite a complex set of price lists being used in Sage.
                      What are the implications of linking two Actinic Sites into Sage - can that be done.

                      i.e - one export from Sage of products and customers etc. Import directly into Actinic STG then batch process the file to alter ALL currency values to Euros import into Actinic Euro.
                      Then - send the orders from both sites back to Sage independently.
                      Would mean a standard transfer from Actinic STG, processing them into Sage as per normal - then extracting the orders from Actinic EURO and not running the auto process - but converting files back to STG then running the batch process from the Sage Link.exe and not as a batch from within Actinic... I think.
                      Only set up the customers in the appropriate site.

                      Have not tried this but on thinking as I type it might work? Any thoughts - will maybe get a chance later today to try it out......

                      Not sure if the client will want the extra processes - they like the 1 button transfers of the Link as is...

                      David Cunningham

                      ECommerce (SellerDeck) & Web Design, Hosting, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media and Remote Backup (Truska Backup)


                        Hi David,

                        Please could you explain about what do you mean about Actinic STG? I don't understand that term?

                        Kind Regards
                        Nadeem Rasool
                        SellerDeck Development


                          Sorry - I was referring to the two Actinic Sites I would need to have - one set in STG or GBP and the other in Euros. Noting fancy of complicated.

                          It is whether I can get the orders from the 2 Actinic Sites back into 1 Sage Company.

                          Have not had a chance to try today - ended up out on site for most of it.

                          David Cunningham

                          ECommerce (SellerDeck) & Web Design, Hosting, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media and Remote Backup (Truska Backup)


                            Hi there

                            It is whether I can get the orders from the 2 Actinic Sites back into 1 Sage Company.
                            This is possible, First you need to setup the profiles, but once you have done this, then create a batch file which contains the following:

                            "C:\Program Files\Actinic Link\Sage Line 50\ActToSage.exe" Site1
                            "C:\Program Files\Actinic Link\Sage Line 50\ActToSage.exe" Site2

                            Then in "View | Business Settings | Order Processing", where it says "Executable to run after Export", simply "browse" to your batch file.

                            Should work
                            Kind Regards
                            Nadeem Rasool
                            SellerDeck Development


                              That is promising -but I think the bigger problem is the currency and I need to play about wth Sage and test sites so see the effects of transactions arriving in both GBP and Euro - the option to use the Foreign Currency module in Sage, and set customers up as GBP or Euro is also a part of this - does Sage expect GBP or Euro amonts etc.
                              May have to do some form of conversion on all currency fields in the export files before importing.
                              Thanks for your help - I think this will only be proven when I see it actually work so I need to schedule in some time.

                              The other option is of course to edit the or other PM/PL file (a bit scarey I think) to add an IF statement - check on Country then have two versions of NETQUOTEVAR:COST built depending on the value of the IF statment.

                              Thanks Again

                              David Cunningham

                              ECommerce (SellerDeck) & Web Design, Hosting, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media and Remote Backup (Truska Backup)

