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Login from home page problem

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    Login from home page problem

    Hi there

    apologies if this is a covered topic. I'm developing a site in V7.0.2.

    I have a site working quite well (still got bugs to iron out) my problem at the moment is logging in from the brochure home page, this sits outside the acatalog and when I go to log in I get this error

    A General Script Error Occurred

    Error: The requested file (../../index.html) is outside the scope of the script. If you believe the requested page should be served please contact the site operator.
    Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner
    I have a feeling it may be something to do with <Actinic:BASEHREF VALUE but for the life of me I cannot see what's wrong.

    Any ideas anyone? Please... (sorr to sound desperate)


    PS I notice that the URL on entering the login page from the home page is

    it gets worse

    Ok so now I've found another problem concerning being logged in.

    As I said once logged in from within the store, if I hit the home button then it takes me there without any styles or images present. I'm sure this has been covered before and has something to do with '<Actinic:BASEHREF VALUE' but I am lost

    Please can someone shed some light?

    Regards Garry

    PS the URL it goes to upon pressing home is...


    I've taken the 'h' off the front to stop it truncating



      following a few other threads I managed to get the styles sheet and images back when returning to the homepage after logging in. It was down to the


      needing to be in the Act_brochureprimary.htm file.

      Now to try and get the other problem fixed. Phew....


        Anyone, please can you help?

        I've tried publishing this to a test server

        and still the same thing happens. From the brochure homepage click the "10% card holders" put in

        Username: test
        Password: test

        and there's the error. Is this an impossible thing to overcome?



          Ok after waking up in the middle of Sunday night thinking "eureka" I tried something and found it to work.

          What one needs to do to overcome the logging in from the home page problem is NOT use the <a href="NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBLOGINLINK"> link on your login button, but to hardcode to the login page via <a href="acatalog/login.html">. It seems like a poor workaround but needs must

          I'm a little dissapointed no one replied to this post at all, especially those from actinic, so I hope my findings help someone with similar problems.



            I'm a little dissapointed no one replied to this post at all, especially those from actinic,
            Hi Garry

            Just so you avoid future disappointment, the role of Actinic on this forum is just to sweep up any questions that have gone unanswered for two working days. The idea of the forum is for Actinic customers to help each other, although due to the sheer level of traffic we receive there will always be threads that don't get answered immediately. Yours, unfortunately, was one of these threads.

            Should you want a quicker response directly from Actinic, use our email support service via


              Login from home page

              WE've got the same problem re logging in to a customer account but no one seems to have offered a solution. Any ideas?


                Hiya Chris,

                point taken, I suppose because this forum has been so good in the past, I felt a little dissapointed at no responses, though I'm over it now LOL. Again tis a darned good resource and I'll help anytime I can, hence ...


                our workaround as I said above was to hard code to the login page, this was only done from the brochure page that generates index.html outside of acatalog. We duplicated the brochure_primary and amended this as we had other brochure pages driven off the original brochure_primary that worked fine.

                If you or anyone else can find a better solution, I'd love to hear it.

                Regards Garry

