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Blank Preview Pages

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    Blank Preview Pages


    We currently have a client using Catalog, and as they are adding new products to the shop, they are wanting to preview their pages offline.
    Problem is, when they click the preview button, the internet page that appears is completely blank, and the internet address bar has nothing in it. I have an inkling this could be Internet Explorer being buggie, but I wanted to make sure first that it's not a known Actinic problem, or simply a setting that is incorrectly placed, etc. Could this be an Actinic problem, or Internet Explorer?

    Also - the pages are all html, and appear fine in the version I am currently running in the office.

    All help appreciated.

    Pete Crewdson - Web Developer,
    WNW Design Ltd. Web Design and Search Engine Optimisation for the Devon, UK area.
    <a href="" target="blank" title=" - Web Design And Search Engine Optimisation From WNW Design Based In Devon, UK"></a>

    Hi Pete,

    It sounds like it could be I.E. What i would suggest would be, in Internet Explorer, go to "Tools | Internet Options". Delete all history including the temp files and cookies. Once you have done this, then try again in Actinic.
    If this fails, i would suggest as a test, download Firefox from Once it has been installed, it will say, do you want Firefox to be the default browser, click "Yes". Then in Actinic do a preview and see if the same happens in Firefox?

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

