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Section links on search results page!

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    Section links on search results page!

    Hi there

    I've contained the section links on the left of the page within a header and footer the heading reads browse departments and the footer finishes the table off.

    I've placed the html for these within the Act_Primary template with the variable inside.

    You will see that it diplays fine on most pages within the site.

    The problems is the search results page and the login page - these pages apparently don't support the section links varible so I'm left with the header and footer and no section links.

    Obviously I can't remove the header and footer for these pages because they still use the Act_Primary template - or can I?

    Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated


    Hi there

    Obviously I can't remove the header and footer for these pages because they still use the Act_Primary template - or can I?
    In a way, Yes, What you could do, is save the "Act_Primary.html" as another file like "Act_PrimaryLogin.html". Edit "Act_PrimaryLogin.html" and remove "NETQUOTEVAR:HEADER" and "NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTER".
    Now in Actinic, simply go to "Design | Option | Layout". Where it says "Login Page Layout", click on "Select" and then "Browse". Here find "Act_PrimaryLogin.html".

    This should work

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Hi Nadeem

      Thanks for your reply. This works fine for the login page as I can control which overall template it uses.

      However I still have the problem with the search results page as I can't see any way of controlling which overall template this page uses.

      If you look at this page the section links vanish and I'm left with the Browse departments header and footer...


        It's a great looking site, and you're almost there!

        I've noticed that the standard search page ( also does not have the section links. The JavaScript function for the links simply isn't there when I view the source.

        This page (and the search results page) uses whatever overall layout template you have specified in the 'Default Overall Layout' field in 'Design | Options | Layouts'.

        Could you check what template you are using in this field please?


          Hi Chris

          Thanks for your reply.

          The default overall template is Act_Primary.

          Could it be that I've inadvertantly removed some Javasript from the page?

          I've used JavaScript to display the section links on the brochure pages but I thought that the search pages were relying on the NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP variable...



            Could it be that I've inadvertantly removed some Javascript from the page?
            I'm getting rather confused I'm afraid.

            I was certain that you were generating the list of departments in the left sidebar with a JavaScript function rather than NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP, but now I look again, I see you are using the NETQUOTEVAR.

            How odd.

            In which case, your problem is that this variable (NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP) only works on store pages. It doesn't work on search pages, cart pages or checkout pages.

            You need to replace that variable with a JavaScript function for including the section links in, as this function will work on any page you want.

            Add this function into the <head> section of all your different overall layout templates (after any other <script> functions you might have:
            <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript">
            function SectionList(ar)
            	var strIDs = '<table border=0 width=100%>'
              	for (var i=1;i<=ar.length;i++)
            		if (ar[i].sURL !=null)
            			strIDs += '<tr><td height=20><a href="' + ar[i].sURL + '"><span class="product_links">' + ar[i].sName + '</span></a></td></tr><tr><td height=1 bgcolor=#FFFFFF></td></tr>'
              	return strIDs
            <script language=Javascript1.1>document.write(SectionList(sections))</script>


              Hi Chris

              That's solved it - thanks for your help

