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affiliate scheme problem

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    affiliate scheme problem

    My client has invested in an affiliate scheme, who are insisting that the code is put into the worldpay pages. The reason being that somebody may not click on the return to merchant pages, and the affiliate looses his commission. I was always under the impression that the code has to go into Act_Order04.html in order for the variables to be sent. Am I correct?
    Hanson Web Design
    Actinic hosting, Actinic Software, template design and re-design

    With actinic you can call the affiliate sales recording scripts using netquotevars to set the correct data.

    Clearly those netquotevars won't mean anything to Worldpay's system, but some of the relevant data (sales value and order number) is passed to Worldpay so they can charge the customer's credit card.

    I don't know how the referrer ID is supposed to be passed over so the correct affiliate can be credited with the sale. I'd suggest that if the affiliate scheme insists on doing it this way that you insist they tell you how it's done.


    PS. A quick search on 'affiliate program call from worldpay page' produced this information from allaffilatepro's website. it may give some clues.

    Method 1
    Worldpay allows you to configure your own version of the order complete page. This page is called resultsY.html, create this page (if you haven't already, there is a guide on the worldpay site) and add the following html <img> tag to the page:-
    <img src="<WPDISPLAY ITEM=transId>&amount=<WPDISPLAY ITEM=authAmount>" height=1 width=1 border=0>
    We recommend you use and configure click & click2.cgi and call securely. So the code would be:-
    <img src="<WPDISPLAY ITEM=transId>&amount=<WPDISPLAY ITEM=authAmount>" height=1 width=1 border=0>

    Method 2
    Use worldpay.cgi. In the Customer Management System, section 'Configuration Options', input the CallBack URL
    and select 'callback enabled'.
    Edit your WorldPay links to contain the code:-
    <input type=hidden name=MC_affiliate value="<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/affiliate/paypalinclude.cgi" -->">

    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Yes you can get it work in worldpay but it calulates on the total not subtotal, and if you have dual currency the amount could double in the case of dollars..
      Still fighting this one
      Hanson Web Design
      Actinic hosting, Actinic Software, template design and re-design


        When I looked at this I did see somewhere that you can pass worldpay a whole load of variables that can be used for affiliate schemes.

        I'll see if I can find it again.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          I couldn't find the page I was thinking of.

          I did find this on worldpay's site. It tells you how to pass dynamic variables to worldpay and how to use them on the worldpay results page.


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



            Net value for affiliate scheme

            Hi Jenny,

            We are trying to do the exact same thing - This is what we have manage to achieve so far

            Objective – pass to affiliate program net value and order reference from WorldPay

            We have added the additional line to the respective files to create the subtotal within the check out phase but NETQUOTEVAR:NUMERICORDERTOTALCGI will not be recognised by WorldPay.

            The variable name within the site scripts for the subtotal is – nSubTotal (just as the variable name for the Total is nOrderTotal)

            The OCCWorldPayScriptTemplate file is already set up to pass the standard name, address, order number and total.

            WorldPay allows you to create merchant variable to pass to them and then request them back from the payment confirmation page.

            The variable has to start with one of the following

            M_ (variable for the merchant to see)
            C_ (variable that can be displayed to the customer but will not be passed back)
            MC_ (variable both merchant and customer can see)

            The following adds a subtotal variable to the OCC file

            $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"MC_SUBAMOUNT\" VALUE=\"" . $::nSubTotal . "\">\n";

            To request this variable back you amend your affiliate program link to

            trans_amount=<WPDISPLAY ITEM=MC_SUBAMOUNT>

            We believe that our assumptions are correct but the OrderScript file (we think it is this file) does not pass across the nSubtotal to the OCCWorldPayScriptTemplate therefore no value is given to MC_SUBAMOUNT (or maybe nSubtotal is not the variable we are looking for).

            We created another merchant variable of MC_ORDERNUMBER to check our syntax and assumptions were correct – this variable was passed and retrieved.

            Does anyone know how to pass this variable to the OCCWorldPayScriptTemplate?


            Kewley Consultants Ltd



              Just wondered if there was any update or news on this problem - we've just set up our own affiliate programme and have also joined another and really would like a "tidy" solution - rather than relying on a customer to click on a link from Worldpay to view merchants receipt and have the order logged as an affiliate order.

              Any info gratefully received!


              Kathy Newman


                sorry we left the scheme to run as it "always has" for now.. I did heavily amend the world pay page result "y" page to encourage the customer to click back to get their receipt.
                Hanson Web Design
                Actinic hosting, Actinic Software, template design and re-design

