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Multiple delivery dates and shipping charges

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    Multiple delivery dates and shipping charges

    Hi all,

    I have done a search on the forum to check this has not been covered.

    We are rebuilding our organic plant site, and come up against this in the past; I hope someone can help me.

    The problem:-

    For every year we have 7 different delivery times, usually based on months (April, May, June, etc.). Each delivery date we have a range of products that we offer either as selection pack (individual plant packs made up into a suitable range) or through the pick and mix option (P&M), customer can choose any of the individual plant packs they want.

    Not all delivery dates have the same products.

    If selecting through the pick and mix option there is a minimum order of 5 packs, unless ordered with a selection pack of the same delivery date. There is no minimum order for the selection pack.

    Selection packs are all 10.50 and the individual plant packs are 1.50 each.

    For each delivery date there is a post and packing charge of £4.

    So for a given order a customer can order a number of packs for the different delivery dates at one time. For example:

    They could order an April Glasshouse Selection (10.50), May salad selection (10.50) and extra P&M Sweetcorn pack (1.50). So product total or the order would be 22.50 and as it involves 2 delivery dates, post and packing cost will 2 x 4 = 8. Therefore the total order cost is 30.50.

    I have looked at the shipping charges and weight options, (as seen in thread like Shipping Help needed). I do not think I can make that work here.

    New Discount and Surcharge option

    Is it possible to set-up a product group for all the products which could be delivered in a delivery date and place a surcharge on them of £4. Can it then be set so once the £4 has been charged it will not be charged again?

    I would really appreciate help on this as I just go round in circles, there must be a simple solution and it is driving me mad!

    Thanks Mash

    Hi guys any suggestions, this has got me stumped. I have not got a test site up and running so I have not played around with surcharges.

    Any pointer will be great.

    Loosing hair over this!! Mash


      Hi there

      You would need to set up the grid like Tracey mentioned.
      Individual plant can be assigned a weight of 1.00 kg
      Selection packs can be assigned a higher weight like 100.00 kg, meaning no individual pack will hit that peak
      So you have something like the following

      Weight in kg-----------------Cost

      For the 4 pounds in p&p, could you not combine it with the selection pack, ie instead of 10.50, it will be 14.50?

      Can it then be set so once the £4 has been charged it will not be charged again?
      I'm afraid this cannot be done

      Kind Regards
      Nadeem Rasool
      SellerDeck Development


        Thank you Nadeem,

        I have not got my head around this, I will sit down and work through it.

        However, have you seen my other question Negative Discount using the discount function will allow me to charge a delivery cost per pack but the nature of discount you want to take of but I want to add.

        Would it be possible to make this function work in this way. I can then set up a product group for that month's delivery as a "discount" adding the delivery charge. Can you see where I am coming from, it would work so well.

        Please let me know what you think.

        Getting quite desperate!!

        Take care Mash

