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Basic Question

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    Basic Question


    Being an actinic virgin, I apologise in advance for asking what's probably very stupid questions but having searched through these threads I can't find a solid answer.

    I'm building a Actinic store for a client. I am going to be installing Actinic Catalogue on my PC to build/design the store/upload the products, pricing etc.

    It'll then be passed over to the client to maintain/update/download orders etc. Therefore the client will have to install a version of the software too.

    Q1.) Will these 2 installs be covered by one lisence?
    Q2.) Will the two stores go out of sync?
    Q3.) When I make site changes/extra functionality etc, will I overwrite latest orders/customer details etc??

    I'm sure this is the basic concept of Actinic, designer/user scenario, but would just like some clarification before I start building!!


    First of all, under the licence you can install the software and its auth key onto your development machine, develop the site and then create a snapshot of the site and settings, which you then pass to the customer, which they install the same software and key, along with your snapshot and then they can conduct order downloads etc as an order processing machine.


    If you intend on maintaining the site, then your customer can not do anything with the structure or products on the site, as only 1 machine can maintain the database on the local development machine.

    If you customer needs to maintain the site, then once you deliver the snapshot and they get it all installed, they have to maintain it and you do not and uninstall the software.

    That should just about cover it

