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Vat Option For Channel Islands

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    Vat Option For Channel Islands

    I am trying to add the channel islands so when chosen as a postage option it shows the exemtion from vat box.

    I have added channel islands to the locations but am not sure what to do.
    I have serched the threads but still unsure?



    Under Business Settings, Tax you need to use Advanced Tax with United Kingdom (or EU) as the default tax zone, then Channel Islands falls into None of the Above.

    be sure to specifically include Channel Islands in Payment Groups and Shippings Zones.

    Tim Weaver
    Consultancy, Innovation & Solutions


      Mmmm thats where i come unstuck, dont know how to add it?



        Under View, Business Settings, on the Shipping and Handling tab click on Help and it will explain how to add shipping zones under Calculating Shipping Charges. Essentially you need to select Shipping Charges Made, then under Calculation Basis select one of the options other than Simple. Then under Shipping Bands you can right click and add a New Zone.

        Under View, Business Settings, on the Tax tab you can also click on Help for an explanation. The procedure is as I explained.

        Ditto for the Payment & Security tab, where having clicked on the + sign to add your payment methods, you can also optionally limit payment by location for each method and if you do, then you can click Configure Valid Locations to set up your payment groups.

        I hope this helps.

        Tim Weaver
        Consultancy, Innovation & Solutions



          I have Channel Islands listed under Tax Zones in Tax Section along with all the other countries that are tax exempt, and i have it listed in locations as a shipping destination, however it does not appear when uploaded to the net.

          I dont want to change shipping charge as they are ok, just for the "tick for no vat" button to come up if they select this as their shipping destination.

          Something simple i have not done i think, maybe i should list it under the no tax levied tab?
          The Help page makes no sense to me at all!




            If you have it as a valid location for payment, tax & shipping, then it should appear on the drop-down during checkout. If Channel Islands is slected Actinic recalculates the VAT (i.e. as zero) before the next screnn is shown in checkout - you will not need (or want) people to tick exemption since many people believe they are expempt when they are not and this will cause you problems trying to get the tax out of them when they have already paid a net amount by credit card.

            If you post the URL of your site, I'll have a look and see if I can suggest what you are doing wrong.

            Tim Weaver
            Consultancy, Innovation & Solutions



              Mmmm interesting on the exempt tick box question.
              If you visit and add something to basket and say choose usa you will see a box appears through checkout that you can check for no vat payment, still no Channel Islands in dropdown though?

              also i dont have the payment location ticked and never have, should i?


              Thanks for help



                I've looked at your site and I think that you do not have the tax setup correctly since normally when you enter a VAT exempt country on the first checkout page, then move to the second checkout page the VAT should disappear from the cart summary at the top of the page.

                This implies to me that on the Business Settings | Tax tab you either you do not have Advanced selected or under the Tax by Location area, you have got Always Apply Taxes, rather than one of Tax by Invoice Address or Tax by Delivery Address selected.

                You should then probably have two Tax Zones set up as European Union and No tax Levied. In the former should be all of the of the EU countries including the UK. In the latter should be None of the above. (You do not need to add all of the other countries to this zone.)

                Regards the Channel Islands did you go to Advanced | Locations and click the '+' at the top-left hand corner of the Countries grid to create a new country called Channel Islands? Then did you add it to a shipping zone?

                When you say that you do not have the payment location ticked, do you mean that you have not selected Limit by Location under Business Settings | Payment and Security? If you are not using this feature then you should not need to specify any payment zones. Channel Islands should come up on the drop down just from being specified in a shipping zone.

                Tim Weaver
                Consultancy, Innovation & Solutions




                  I have tax by delivery address ticked and under tax i have all apart from the Uk under Tax Zones (inc Channel Isle) and UK under UK Tax zone which i guess is Actinic Default settings?

                  I have included Channel Isle under Locations, is it important what abreviation i put in teh C box? where do i find a list of the shipping zones, i thought that it was Locations?



                    Shipping zones are set under Business Settings | Shipping and Handling tab. Tick Shipping Charges Made, then select one of Total quantity, Total Value or Total Weight. Select Shipping Bands and in the white box below, right click to add a New Zone.

                    Tim Weaver
                    Consultancy, Innovation & Solutions




                      I clicked properties under shipping and added it there on the Europe countries and now it shows on "select shipping" destination.

                      Going back to the Vat check box, you say i dont need to have that there?

                      At present i have

                      all countries under Tax Zone, the UK under Uk Tax Zone and no one under Tax Levied?

                      So i should put EU Countries under UK Tax Zone then as they are not Vat from here, is that correct? and all the rest under no Tax Levied i can then un-tick the allow exemtion button and should be a ok yeah?



                        Glad you are making progress. On the Business Settings | Tax tab, you can highlight the zone you have set up for which VAT should always be paid and then untick the Allow Exemption box immediately below the Tax 1[B] dropdown (that should be showing VAT). If you have more than one VAT zone, you'll need to repeat this for each zone.

                        (I just have one European Union zone of which United Kingdom is a member, but you might have separate zones for UK and the other EU countries.)

                        You do not need to do this for the non-VAT zones since they will not have any tax applied anyway.

                        Tim Weaver
                        Consultancy, Innovation & Solutions



                          Ok just to make sure i have this right.

                          If i put all the EU Countries under UK Tax Zone then they will be taxed as the UK is, i shall then un-check the allow exemtion box as i wont need this anymore?

                          Then should be done

                          Thanks again



                            Yes, that's correct.

                            Tim Weaver
                            Consultancy, Innovation & Solutions



                              ok next question is it wont let me add them to the UK Tax Zone as they are listed under Tax Zones and im not sure how to delete them from the Tax Zone?

                              nearly there!


