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Weight problem

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    Weight problem

    I am shipping by weight, with below 1499 going post (unremovable option of courier) and above 1500 going courier. However, the total weights are often not correct, sometimes very wrong. When a product has components (different flavours etc), does the weight go in just the original hidden product, and not in the visible product? Is it adding together the weight of the hidden product and the weight of the visible product? If the visible product has "override" selected for the price does it also override the weight?


    I think that if you have a product associated with a component, the weight from the hidden product will be used rather than the product weight.

    Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
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      Weight Probs


      I had a similar problem with my site and I worked out that it uses the combined weights of the product and the components

      And that if you do not set a weight for the either the product or component or set a zero weight for either it will use the default weight and add it together

      So I put the correct weight into the component (hidden items) and put a minimal weight of 0.01kg into the product - I also found it only does 2 decimals places so I couldnt do 0.001kg!

      I hope this helps


      World of Dreams


        Associated product/Override

        Thanks. I'll go change all my main visible products to 0.01 instead of zero. Is it different if a component permutation says associated product than says override? If it takes the weight from the associated product, does it not take it if you choose override for the price? Pity manual and help aren't more helpful on this rather basic thing.



          Is it different if a component permutation says associated product than says override? If it takes the weight from the associated product, does it not take it if you choose override for the price?
          It is simply the process of associating a product with a permutation/component which brings the weight across. It makes no difference if the 'Pricing' column is set to 'Override' or not.



            Thanks. I now need to set to 0.01 the weights of all products that have components.


