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Site 2 design without affecting Site 1

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    Site 2 design without affecting Site 1


    Is there a good practice approach to redesigning in Actinic. I have started to play with some ideas in my head. Not being a coder, and from my xp of first site, I found that I made design changes, checked them, then retried.

    Given that I have a live site, can I create a Site 2 in Actinic, and then check locally without risking Site 1. I have thought about installing Actinic on another computer but not sure if that would work given the CD reference is unique (I assume).

    Any Site 2 tips appreciated.



    Hi there,
    I can't fully answer this quesiton but I can in part!
    You can install Actinic on a second computer and your CD reference will work fine.
    I have it installed on both my PC and laptop to enable me to play with it without affecting my live sites.
    Also, I can then copy over the site1 folders etc and use it "on the move" when we go to the US.
    You're only effectively using a backup of the site so you're not infringing the licence or anything, IYSWIM
    Can't answer the bit about Site1 and Site 2 though. I suspect, actually, that you couldn't use a Site2 without a second licence though.
    Perhaps someone esle could clarify?
    HTH anyway


      Tracy's 2nd PC scenario will work.

      the only other way with V6 is to swap the folders around. ie you always work with a folder called site1 but you have 2 site folders and you rename the one you want to work on site1.

      if you've got a 2nd pc to use then this is the way to go, as the 2nd way is fussy.

      or you could upgrade to v7 with has a test mode for development

