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meta tags and keywords

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    meta tags and keywords

    Hi - I want to use Actinic's search facility to return results based on keywords attached to each product, preferably not showing in the description. Is there a way to attach meta tags to individual products and not just to their parent section?

    Meta tags appear at the start of each web page hence they are entered under the section or sub-section headings (the products are collated to form a single page under their section)

    Your best bet is to set up custom variables and add them to each product under the properties tab - enable the "searchable" option and this will allow you to search under the advanced search option

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      meta tags and keywords

      "Meta tags appear at the start of each web page hence they are entered under the section or sub-section headings (the products are collated to form a single page under their section)"

      doh! - of course....

      "Your best bet is to set up custom variables and add them to each product under the properties tab - enable the "searchable" option and this will allow you to search under the advanced search option"

      thanks, yes - for some reason I was thinking that I was limited to just a few characters in this option


