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Product layout gaps

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    Product layout gaps

    I can't seem to get rid of the following gap. Please look at the image below for a better explanation! each product is using the same product layout template but with different background colouring.

    Could it be something to do with Act_Catalogbody.htm?!

    thanks in advance.
    Attached Files

    There will probably be an errant <br> or &nbsp tag somewhere in there - may be worth checking out Act_ProductSeparator and Act_ProductLine first

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      I have custom product templates for different sections within my store. Also I do not use the Act_Productseperator template because I have a single page for every product using the subsection method. This however is the only section in the catalog which doesn't, simply becuase I want to be able to use the single add to cart per page function.

      Have now double check know my template for <br> tag etc. But can't seem to find it. As mention earlier I am using the same template for the rest of the products in the section. I only have a gap between the first and second product.


        Is that page live on the website yet? The only place I can find such a view on your site is doing a seach (408) and the resulting page looks similar (without the grey bands) but there is no space after the first product in either Mozilla or Explorer

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          No this is is a new section which I have not yet uploaded. What you currently see when doing a search (408) is act_productlinetable template.

          I'll upload it and see what it looks like live.

