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Changing The images path

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    Changing The images path

    Is there away to rename & move your images folder without manaually adjusting each image path individually? I did another floral site that used the same product. I imported that site so I wouldn't have to put all the product in again. I now would like to rename the image folder & possibly move. Can this be done?


    Hi Randy,

    There is no feature in Actinic to do a rename or move of all the products. But what you could do, is if you hae Access 2000. Go to your site1 folder "C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1", and find a file called "ActinicCatalog.mdb". Here open it and go to the [Product] table.
    Now you should have a field called "Image Filename", simply copy this column and paste it in excel.
    Now you could just type in one folder name, copy it and paste it on all product. Once you have changed it here, simply copy the whole content and paste it back into the database.

    Before doing this, i would suggest in backing up the database.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Image Path

      Hi Nadeem,

      It worked like a charm!! It was a good thing I did this. When I imported this site I guess it didin't register in the products table properly. It had a NOT_CATALOG at the beginning of the images path. Now that I changed the path everything is great. You have to change more then one row when you do this. If you use the FIND & REPLACE FEATURE IN ACCESS it will do it all.


