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Temporary downgrade!

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    Temporary downgrade!


    I have recently upgraded a site for a client from v3 to v7, on a new PC which we supplied. So, the client travelled up to our office and picked up her shiny new Dell with her upgrade, her Email client sorted and emails/addresses imported etc etc.

    I'd uploaded the version 7 files to the server and demonstrated that all was working.

    Now she's got back to her office and discovered that she can't find the driver CD for her BT broadband modem, and there's no old-fangled analogue modem in the new box, so she cannot connect to retrieve orders!

    In order to get around this, she's going to do a refresh from v3, cleverly (ahem!) I left that on the new machine after the upgrade.

    The order volume for this site is not that great, but I want to be sure what orders have been received by the v7 system, and hopefully save them for re-import when we go back to v7.

    I'm not too sure about what comprises an order on the server, I can see the following:

    one approx 30 char HEX filename with .save extension
    six approx 30 char HEX filename with .session extension
    and 4 clear orders XX123456789012.ord

    What I would like to know is if I save the .ord files off to an external location, upload the v3 files to allow temporary operation of the site can I:

    a - import those orders back into v3???
    b - import them back into v7 when all has been fixed

    Some sort of a lesson learned!

    Thanks for any advice in advance, Dan

    I had a similar problem when my PC died. I bought a new PC and managed to recover everything but couldn't for the life of me find my BT drivers CD for the ADSL modem (and couldn't find them on the internet anywhere and BT support were no use either).

    My solution?, I went out and bought a proper DSL modem which I now have networked through a router. A much better set-up and only costs about £100 for the modem and router.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thanks Mike

      Fortunately the client has now found her BT CD, so all is well!


