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Component html for name field

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    Component html for name field

    My client needs to put a fair amount of descriptive text explaining 4 choices in his drop down menus either in the component 'html for name' field or the attribute' html for name' field. But... when he tries to do this a message comes up saying there is too much text and not enough room in the field. Is there anyway I can increase the size of the field in either the component or attribute 'html for name' fields to allow us to put a whole load of text in.
    It must be stipulated somewhere but I just can't find it.
    Many thanks

    Hi there

    This fields only holds upto 255 characters. This is determined by the Actinic database. If you want to extended this, you could try opening ActinicCatalog.mdb in Access 2000 go to the "ProductProperties" tab in "Design View", find "sString1" and extend the limit here. This is for the "Attribute Name". For "HTML for Name", simply change the value for "sString3".

    Please note before doing this, please backup your database, just in case.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Hi Nadeem,
      I tried to alter the database but it won't let you enter any amount above 255 so this won't work. I really need to do this as the description looks awful when entered in the product details. Look at and you'll see that my client wants to put 4 options for the finishing kits just above the Finishing Kit dropdown selection box but we can only fit the text in the product info which as you can see looks dreadful. Any ideas?


        Hi Deborah,

        I'm afraid it is the actual Actinic software restricting you to 255 character, and you really can't change this, as this is written within the C++ code.
        Thinking of a workaround, i was trying to use "CUSTOMVAR:TESTTEXT" within the "HTML FOR NAME", but this shows up the plain text, rather than displaying the content.
        So the only workaround i could think of is create mini html pages for the options eg
        In your site1 folder create a file called "Option1.html" and put the following in it:
        <head><title>Option 1 Explained</title></head>
        <body>Option 1<br>
        Quest Alloy handlebars and stem, alloy seatpost, Cork tape, Rolls due saddle, Vittoria Rubino tyres & tubes.</body>
        Now within Actinic choice option use the following

        <a href="javascript:popUp('option1.html')">Option 1 Details</a>
        This will show the options within the popup. This is the only workaround i can think of I'm afraid

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          If you want extra text against the choice then you can only have plain text in the drop down lists so JavaScript won't work there. If you use Radio Buttons you can have anything you like in the choice's HTML for name.

          My solution would be to use Radio buttons and to amend Act_VariantRadioButton.html from
          <!-- VariantRadioButton HTML begin -->
          <!-- This template is used for a product variant radio button. -->
          <SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">
          <!-- This template is used for a product variant radio button. -->
          <!-- VariantRadioButton HTML end -->
          <!-- VariantRadioButton HTML begin -->
          <!-- This template is used for a product variant radio button. -->
          <SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">
          <!-- This template is used for a product variant radio button. -->
          <!-- VariantRadioButton HTML end -->
          Now you can put a lot of additional text into Custom property EXTRAINFO1 and 2 if 1 runs out of room.

          I wasn't too clear if you wanted this description against each choice or just against the attribute name. Above is for the choice.

          If it's the attribute name then edit Act_variantAttributeName.html and change from
          <!-- VariantAttributeName HTML begin -->
          <!-- This template is used for attribute name. -->
          <span class="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVAR:ATTRIBUTENAME</span><br>
          <!-- This template is used for attribute name. -->
          <!-- VariantAttributeName HTML end -->
          <!-- VariantAttributeName HTML begin -->
          <!-- This template is used for attribute name. -->
          <!-- This template is used for attribute name. -->
          <!-- VariantAttributeName HTML end -->
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            I've tried the suggestions from you both with no success. Nadeem, I changed the dropdowns to radio buttons to enable me to use the javascript but when I click on the hyperlink 'Option 1 Details' it just says 'error on page', is the javascript correct, did you test it yourself with no problems?

            I've tried both of your suggestions, putting a customvar:extrainfo in the attribute file 'Act_variantAttributeName.html' just puts the extra text under ALL the attributes for that product. If you look at the web link for the page you'll see we have lots of attributes, wheels, frames etc, it's just for the 'finishing kit' that we need the extra text.
            So then I tried to put it in the choices variant file 'Act_VariantRadioButton.html' but then of course it puts the same text under each choice when we just want 'choice 1' text under choice 1 option, choice 2 text under choice 2 button etc.

            It looks like Nadeems javascript popup is the best option in each of the choices but if only it could work.
            Any ideas, I'm getting desperate now!!
            Many thanks Deborah


              Hi Deborah,

              Sorry for the late reply. Found the fault within your choice, change the html for name as the following:
              <a href="javascript:ShowPopUp('test.html',400,400)">Option 1 Detail</a>
              Where "test.html" is the custom html document you have written. Also you can change the height and width to whatever you like.
              Remember to put in the test.html within your site1 folder, and you may need to go to "Advance | Additional File" and add it to this box

              This should work, it works for me.

              Kind Regards
              Nadeem Rasool
              SellerDeck Development


                Hi Nadeem,
                Thanks, that's great, all okay now. I've put the javascript in the attribute html for name so now I've got 'Finishing Kits (options details) and a popup opens with all the options in. I'm sure my client will love it, also gives me lots of ideas of enhancing his site further.
                Many thanks Deborah

