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Items Ordered, Cart Value not resetting

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    Items Ordered, Cart Value not resetting

    When an order is placed at the site, the Items Ordered and Cart Value amounts update as they are supposed to.
    However, once the checkout is complete, they do not reset back to zero.
    Even if the page is refreshed, they remain the same as before the order was completed.
    If the customer actually selects "View Cart", it shows as empty, and then the Values reset to zero.

    I've worked around the problem somewhat by changing the post-order page (To another non-Actinic portion of the site.), but if the customer goes back to the "Store" there is a good possibility of confusion as it still shows items (and a $ Value) outstanding.

    It seems like the cookie isn't purging or there is some sort of Java problem.
    (Again, selecting "View Cart" does result in the values being reset.)
    I'd rather keep sending my customers to a "Thanks for your order" page, but I'm tempted to show them that their cart is empty after checkout.
    Anyone have a fix or any ideas for this?

    Site here
    Feel free to place a "test" order to check things out.

    Rick Smith
    Powerleap Products Canada

    I think this problem has arisen because you have hardcoded your Act_Order04.html template with the line:


    From memory, this VALUE= reference should be a page name in your 'acatalog' folder in order for Actinic to correctly remove the session information. Try this and see how you get on.



      This problem was prevalant before I was even using that page.
      I'm using that page as a means to get customers away from the Actinic portion of the site because otherwise it shows the wrong cart summary info.
      (Not exactly ideal from a sales point of view.)

      This was done using "Design", "Options", "Miscellaneous", then entering the "Thanks" URL under Generation Options. (URL for Completed and Aborted Checkout.)
      I've removed the link for now so you can see the cart summary results more clearly.

      Thanks for your time.
      Rick Smith
      Powerleap Products Canada


        Sounds familiar


        I was experiencing similar problems (see "Items ordered and cart value " thread in this forum). The cookie values were not being correctly reset because the /actalog and /cgi-bin folders are on different servers (and the rules governing cookie visability are very strict!).

        If this is your situation then apply the fix described in
        Chris Brown

